1216 Meet NUS MBA Students from Taiwan - 工管

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2022-12-06T11:33

Table of Contents

Connect virtually with NUS MBA students from Taiwan across 3 intakes!

Filled with casual and open conversations, the NUS Connect is highly popular with prospective candidates.
Our current students' direct accounts offer a great deal of up-to-dateinsight into the programme experience.

What you can expect from the session:
‧Understand from their perspectives how they prepared for their application and MBA journey
‧Find out what classes and student life is like
‧Discover the programme's diversity and networking opportunities
‧Learn how to make the most of your MBA
‧and more

Date: Friday, 16 December 2022
Time: 7.30-8.30pm (Taipei time)
Venue: Zoom
Register here: https://bit.ly/NUSConnect2022Taiwan

Student representatives:
‧Grace Chen Chieh - Class of 2024
‧Sasha Wu Chun Ting - Class of 2023
‧Jimmy Lin Chihmin - Class of 2022
‧Woody Mao - Class of 2022
‧Marion Lin - Class of 2022
‧Mike Shay - Class of 2024

As slots are limited, we strongly encourage you to register early.
We look forward to meeting you!

Tags: 工管

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Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2022-12-03T13:58
業界最強GMAT教學團隊 - A2GMAT 零基礎到GMAT高分!新手小白講座+重考諮詢 #GMAT新手限定 #非學員限定ESR諮詢 GMAT堪稱留學考試大魔王,但A2GMAT卻每年締造百人以上考取高分700+, 原因就在獨家紮實、有系統的教學方式 正在考慮要不要考GMAT的你,或是正在自修的你, ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2022-11-22T18:04
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12/8 GSB台灣校友分享講座

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2022-11-18T18:24
今年一年級在學的兩位史丹佛校友,Eddie和Samuel即將在12/8 舉辦線上分享會,跟大家 聊聊申請的經驗,也希望能幫助更多想申請史丹佛的學生能了解學校,增加GSB的台灣學 生人數! Eddie 和Samuel是 GSB 近1000個學生中,唯二的台灣學生(以有在台灣念大學 來說),機會難得~請有興趣的同 ...

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Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2022-11-15T17:42
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