2/24 The MBA Tour Virtual Fair - 工管

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2022-02-17T13:09

Table of Contents

Make your study abroad dreams a reality. Meet Wharton, Berkeley,
HEC_Paris, IESE, IE, HKUST and more top MBA programs from the US,
Europe, Canada & around the world. Sign up the MBA Tour spring virtual fair
on Feb. 24, https://bit.ly/364xEAi

2月24日與華頓商學院、柏克萊、HEC Paris、IESE、IE、HKUST等MBA頂尖名校有約! 報名
免費線上教育展 https://bit.ly/364xEAi

【參展學校名單 (持續更新) participating schools (updated regularly)】
Asia School of Business
Baruch College of the City University of New York
City University of Hong Kong
City, University of London
ESSEC Business School
HEC Paris
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hult International Business School
IE Business School
IESE Business School
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Simon Fraser University
Singapore Management University
St. John's University
Suffolk University
Syracuse University
University Carlos III of Madrid
University of California Berkeley
University of Delaware
University of Pennsylvania
University of Warwick
York University

【Event Schedule】
18:00-18:25 Keynote Panel: How to Make Your Application Stand Out
18:30-22:00 University Hall & Networking Lounge: Live Chat with Admission
Directors, Alumni and Current Students
18:30-20:25 MeetUps: Small group virtual meetings with university
18:30-22:00 Resume Review Clinic: Hosted by Asia School of Business
18:30-18:55 York University Presents: MBA Talk
19:00-19:25 Suffolk University Presents: MBA Talk
19:30-19:55 IE Business School Presents: MBA Talk
20:00-20:25 Baruch College of the City University of New York Presents:
MBA Talk
20:30-20:55 University of California Berkeley Presents: MBA Talk
21:00-21:25 GMAC Presents: Advisor Talk: What You Should Know About the

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Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2022-02-16T20:29
Monday Blue Buster 每週一MBA生涯公益解惑日:連假後如何有動力工作 原文出自: http://mbacareerfitter.blogspot.com/2022/02/monday-blue-buster-mba_16.html 連假結束後,許多人都在討論假期後如何有動力工作 才驚 ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2022-02-13T18:56
香港科技大學 HKUST MBA線上說明會及MBA課程體驗 ・時間:02/25 六 14:30-16:00 ・報名表單:https://bit.ly/3LklYcK 位於香港、排名第一的香港科技大學HKUST MBA一直以來都是許多同學們心之所向, 在02/26 港科大將推出線上MBA說明會,參加本次 ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2022-02-10T00:18
Monday Blue Buster 每週一MBA生涯公益解惑日:多校降分且死線延長之快攻趁現在 原文出自: http://mbacareerfitter.blogspot.com/2022/02/monday-blue-buster-mba.html 新年快樂!原本要分享大家如何在連假後調整上班心情,但 ...

A2GMAT x 創陞教育 - MBA大解析

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2022-02-08T20:44
A2GMAT x 創陞教育 - MBA大解析! 關於MBA所有你最想知道且不能不知道的事,都在今天全部分享給你! ・時間:02/19 六 11:00-12:00 ・報名表單:https://forms.gle/96sJdiNFx6SxMTXh6 全英文申請系列講座來到第三場,也是所有同學敲碗已久的主題 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2022-02-04T23:20
最近因為在申請Sheffield/Durham/Newcastle/Nyenrode 今年的MBA課程,但自己在SOP卡 關有點久,現在有點像把自傳跟SOP融合在一起寫(完整版爆炸2000多字...) 主要是看這幾間學校的課程brochure去融入未來短/中/長期的規劃,但因為網站上通常都 是課綱,或是教授 ...