3/9 The MBA Tour Virtual Fair - 工管

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2023-02-24T14:02

Table of Contents

【The MBA Tour Asia Pacific, Virtual Event】

Meet Wharton, HEC Paris, Fudan, and more top MBA programs online.

Time: 5 to 7:30 pm, Thursday, March 9, 2023 (Taiwan Time)
Sign up & More Info: http://bit.ly/41aZ7sh

At this virtual event, you will get the chance to attend:
‧Meet-Ups: 1 on 1 meetings with an admission representative
‧MBA Talks: Interactive presentations from schools that explore the unique
features of their programs
‧Resume Clinic: One-on-one sessions with an admissions representative to get
feedback on your resume
‧Networking Fair: Connect with fellow applicants, current students, program
alumni, admissions representatives, and our event sponsors.

Tags: 工管

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Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2023-02-22T15:20
每週一MBA生涯公益解惑日:如何規劃新年度轉職與申請2 (續前篇) 那麼對於自己想嘗試尋找真實生涯方向 (Real Career Goals)、Why MBA、Why Now、Why GMAT、Why GRE、Which Schools...等為何而戰的生涯問題,有什麼簡易的DIY方法嗎? 有的。可以從幾的 ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2023-02-15T11:59
Monday Blue Buster 每週一MBA生涯公益解惑日:如何規劃新年度轉職與申請1 又到了年後的轉職潮~生涯卡關嗎、轉職不知該轉去哪嗎? 想申請MBA,卻第一題Career Goals就無解嗎? 不知為何而戰,以致GMAT、托福都考不高嗎? 就業與申請該如何建構履歷、申請文件,與準備面試? 根據 ...

MIT Asia Business Conference @3/11

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2023-02-14T21:10
活動分享:MIT Asia Business Conference A2GMAT學員享專屬10%折扣碼【 A2GMAT.MBA 】 MIT Asia Business Conference是MIT一年一度的大型亞洲商業論壇, 也是全美最大的亞洲主題論壇之一,今年邀請到的講者包括 Bain全球CEO、日 ...

SynergyxDonzGMAT - INSEAD MBA 錄取分享

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2023-02-10T12:42
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Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2023-02-08T13:29
Monday Blue Buster 每週一MBA生涯公益解惑日:何謂內定輪面試 MBA面試邀請一般要等多久才會拿到呢? 根據各校網頁說明,申請人在提交申請後4~8周左右,才會拿到面試邀請。 然而,繼往年個案群奇蹟般地於提交後24小時內,連續秒殺3枚M7 Kellogg MBA面試邀請 、或八個工作天 ...