5 Things You Need to Check Before Submitting - 工管

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2012-01-02T11:45

Table of Contents

After weeks and weeks of research, writing, editing and re-writing, your MBA
applications are DONE. Your resume is perfect, your essays are compelling,
and your recommenders are ready to ship off those LORS.

Youˆre finished! Hooray! Time to sign, seal and deliver that application…
then go to sleep for 24 hours.

But wait.

Before you do your little ¨Iˆm DONE!〃 dance, letˆs give that app one
final review. After all, youˆve been staring at that thing for days on end;
itˆs totally natural to miss a mistake here and there. And it would be a
shame to spend all that time perfecting those applications, only to be
flagged by the adcom for minor mistakes or careless errors.

So before you click ¨submit,〃 do yourself a favor and do these 5 things:

1) Check for Spelling Errors.

Nothing says ¨Iˆm the best candidate for your program〃 less than careless
errors and spelling mistakes. Especially on a resume. Spell-check is NOT
perfect. Do not rely on it and do NOT make mistakes in your applications.
Prove that for whatever weaknesses you have, ¨attention to detail〃 isnˆt
one of ¯em. There is NO excuse for making careless mistakes in an
application. None.

2) Look for Names of Other Schools.

This is the worst and most careless mistake you can make in your
applications. And we have seen it before. Too many times. Homeboy was
submitting a Wharton app, and it says ¨Duke〃 aaaall over the thing.
Spell-check wonˆt catch this, so itˆs up to you. Do yourself a favor, do a
¯find-search-replaceˆ for ALL the names of the schools youˆve applied to.
If you screw this up, you are, well, screwed.

3) Make Sure Your Recommenders are on the Ball.

Have they submitted anything? CHECK ON THEM. Have they begun the process?
Remember, managing them is a test of YOU. If you canˆt get THEM to submit
their stuff, it WILL reflect badly on you. So donˆt drop the ball there,
folks. Keep in touch with them, and MANAGE them. Frankly, you have no

4) Update Anything that has Changed.

Often times, people donˆt realize that since they began their applications
in the summer, things have changed. For the BETTER! Is there anything that
has changed since you started your app? Even just a sentence or two can go a
looong way. Are you gonna get promoted? Did you get the best bonus of anyone
in your class? THINK ABOUT IT. Maybe, just maybe, there is something NEW
worth adding.

5) If you have time, and if you havenˆt shown your app to someone who knows
what theyˆre doing.

No, it ISNˆT too late. And nobody is saying that you need to spend money on
a consultant. What we ARE saying is that all too often, people miss obvious
mistakes. If you have been working with someone – even if only a friend,
relative, etc.- you are likely fine here. But if you have NEVER shown your
work to ANYONE outside yourself, you. must. do it. Immediately. Getting a
fresh set of eyes on your work will help ensure that there are no glaring,
obvious, or careless mistakes. You know, things you can (and probably did!)
miss after looking at the same essays for days on end.

Coming from a ¨big picture guy,〃 I know what itˆs like to miss the little
things sometimes. And coming from someone who reviews applications every day,
I know the (negative) effect those little things can have. So take some time,
do one final review with a fine-tooth comb, and youˆll be good to go on
those apps.

Jon Frank
Precision Essay

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2012-01-05T04:37
我總共申請5家 都是 R2 寫了20篇 essay之後真的很想吐啊
超想把電腦丟到窗外的 :(


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-12-29T21:57
如題 近期拿到北大+新加坡國大的雙學位offer 如果說是預算考量 單一學校的MBA+交換似乎是比較好的選擇 (兩家學校的交換名單都好威啊~) 但又覺得兩個學位的課程比較紮實 所以想問問大家意見 雙學位對就業求職的幫助大嗎? - ...

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Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2011-12-28T10:21
QUESTION: Iˆm a 24-year-old girl from India. I passed out of an engineering grad school with not-so-good academics (57%), but was involved in a bunch of e ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-12-26T18:26
※ 引述《ingridhs ()》之銘言: : 請問目前MBA申請需要繳交的成績單是否都是用scanned copy上傳即可 : 我check了幾家 (如 Wharton, CMU, Booth, Ross) 似乎是這種形式 : 所以確認一下我應該沒搞錯意思吧 yes 有上才會跟你要正式版本做背景調查 他們 ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-12-26T16:25
請問目前MBA申請需要繳交的成績單是否都是用scanned copy上傳即可 我check了幾家 (如 Wharton, CMU, Booth, Ross) 似乎是這種形式 所以確認一下我應該沒搞錯意思吧 把掃描檔上傳即可 不必另外寄信去學校是吧 另外 常在填學校資料和成績時看到問GPA附註這一句 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2011-12-26T14:48
前幾天收到面試信 預計一月中前往OHIO作On campus interview 想請問板上有Ohio State University-Fisher的學生或校友嗎? 有一些面試問題andamp;行程安排想請教 謝謝!! 祝大家新年快樂 - ...