7/26 The MBA Tour Online Fair - 工管

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2022-07-19T14:07

Table of Contents

Connect with Business Schools from worldwide, including Canada, China,France, Netherlands, Singapore, UK, US, and more.

Ready to make your MBA dream a reality?

There's a business school for everyone;
find yours at The MBA Tour Taiwan/ HK on July 26, the perfect way to explore your business school options and find out which program aligns best with your career goals.
Don't miss your opportunity to speak directly with leading business schools, such as Columbia, Oxford, INSEAD, NUS, & Fudan, attend interactive presentations to compare various programs, get your questions answered during small group meetings, improve your application and more!

Free entry; save your spot today.

The MBA Tour - Taiwan/ HK
Time, 6-10 pm, Tuesday, July 26, 2022
More info and online registration: https://bit.ly/3xMTjsc

Tags: 工管

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07/14 IESE Career Insider Series

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2022-07-12T18:17
IESE Career Insider Series: Global Careers 時間:台灣時間07/14 四 7:00 - 7:45 pm 報名表單:https://bit.ly/3P8pFng 報名時請在姓名前加上「A2」唷~ 例:A2 Vivian Chen 就業市場隱含著許多的不確定因子 ...

港科大DiMBA 07/14 線上說明會及課程體驗

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2022-07-12T18:15
頂尖商學院-香港科技大學 DiMBA將在07/14(四)舉辦線上分享會及課程體驗 主題:Paid to fail:How to Get Incentives Wrong and Ruin Everything 時間:07/14 (四) 19:00-20:30(GMT+8) 形式:線上zoom會議 位於香港 ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2022-07-06T17:41
Monday Blue Buster 每週一MBA生涯公益解惑日:生涯目標產業與職能與MBA申請的關係1 早在十五年前筆者開始幫數以千計各國個案諮商生涯管理至今,個案的產業與職能向來都 是呈現「常態分佈」的狀態。 此現象可謂天經地義,不證自明。 有個案是人資背景想持續進修,卻挖出來其實是服務流程設計天才 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2022-06-29T20:10
簡單說,結論是趕快去新機會。 首先破解招生邏輯。 學校的目的是為了排名,而權威排名機構US NEWS的排名條件中,申請人可控條件若去除已成定局的GPA,則所剩的66%中,有50%是畢業就業的可能性,包含: 21%畢業就業成功率、14%畢業起薪,及15%雇主滿意度。 這些招生條件是從申請人的履歷足跡來投射。 ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2022-06-29T11:58
Monday Blue Buster 每週一MBA生涯公益解惑日:本年度申請時程規劃 今年由於美國宣稱本土疫情已過,又經歷國際局勢動盪與美中大戰,以號稱夢幻學校M7為 首的各大名校,自本年初至今曾流失大量學生,為了騰出更充裕的席次調整時間,紛紛將 申請輪次調整為:第一輪比疫情前更早到九月初,第二輪維持疫情 ...