Admissions Tip: Address Low GPA/GMAT - 工管

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2012-04-10T11:33

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Admissions Tip: Addressing Academic Weaknesses
By: CA team

Hello applicants! We at CA want to offer some advice about the role of
academics in the admissions process. Many candidates considering business
school focus on the credentials they will hold and the network that they will
join upon graduation, but it is important to keep in mind the academic
experience at the heart of any MBA program. Because a business school is,
after all, a school, it makes sense to begin your consideration of your
profile by thinking about your academic aptitude and track record to date.
Your performance in your educational endeavors up to this point will be
treated as a predictor of your success in business school.

While this is all well and good for applicants whose undergraduate GPAs and
GMAT scores are close to the average of students at their target schools
(about 3.5 and 710 for the top programs), things become a bit trickier for
candidates who fall below the pack in either or both of these categories.
Retaking the GMAT is always an option, but this can become counterproductive
after the first two or three attempts, and there is obviously nothing to be
done to alter one’s college marks. If the other aspects of your candidacy
are strong and you're only lacking in one of these two academic areas, an
effective strategy is often to use an optional essay to acknowledge that one
of these numbers is below the school's average and assure the adcom that the
other is the more accurate indication of your academic ability.

Meanwhile, applicants who fall short in both of these measures – as well as
anyone who simply wants to strengthen his or her academic profile or falls
well below the average in GMAT or GPA – should consider putting together an
alternative transcript that demonstrates a track record of As in quantitative
coursework (e.g., in basic classes in accounting, statistics, calculus or
economics). These classes can be taken at any community college or even
through an accredited online program. This is a particularly sound strategy
for candidates who focused on the social sciences or humanities in college
and do not have a record of demonstrated success in quant-heavy disciplines.
Applicants can then point to this as a more recent – and therefore more
accurate – reflection of their present abilities in a classroom setting.
While one or two classes can suffice, keep in mind that the more classes one
takes, the more convincing this argument becomes (assuming strong performance
in these supplemental classes, of course).

Of course, these are general guidelines about the ways that one might address
a shortcoming in a single element of the admissions process. For a more
detailed evaluation of your entire candidacy and more comprehensive
application services, please contact Kevin Chen at [email protected].

[email protected]

Kevin Chen
Partner/Senior Admissions counselor, Clear Admit LLC
Master degrees: Stanford Graduate School of Business; Harvard Kennedy School
of Government
Bachelor degree: Princeton University
Previous work experiences: Reuters; McKinsey; NBA

文章: 73註冊時間: 2008-11-13 10:18

Tags: 工管

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MBA能給我什麼? 值得嗎?

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2012-04-10T10:34
大推life2002, 講的真好 XD 我也好期待暗黑 III喔~ 武僧感覺挺有趣的... 呃, 離題了~來說一下我的感想, MBA 可以給你什麼,因人而異, 有幾個步驟你可以用來分析「讀MBA對你而言有沒有用」? 第一,確定你的方向: 如果你打算畢業一樣馬上在美國接家族事業, 那就想像一下你想將家族事 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2012-04-10T02:31
有一個問題想請問大家 看大家是否有類似經驗或是想法可以幫忙提供給我 我今年31歲 大學是在國外念電機系 之後回來台灣後就一直做FAE的工作 已經做5年多了 現在在一家上市公司任高級工程師 薪水算中等 之前有去報考政大的AMBA所 運氣好的考上了 但是現在在猶豫是否要去念 想請問是否也有類似大學念工科 研 ...

MBA能給我什麼? 值得嗎?

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2012-04-09T17:34
給點意見,我個人覺得國際化是很空泛的概念 只要是在好一點公司工作過的人都會說自己國際化 人脈有沒有用真的是要看發展的地方 我跟我日本朋友非常好,但是我沒有要在日本發展,所以也用不上 (這點多少在MBA也有點現實層面,國際學生在當地若沒有背景跟關 ...

MBA能給我什麼? 值得嗎?

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2012-04-07T12:25
各位版友好! 這個問題我思索了很久,在網路上跟版上好像也找不太到相關資訊 先介紹一下自己背景: 大學畢業(廣告行銷),工作經驗兩年多在家族企業,之後會接 手家裡的事業(不是很大的上市企業,大概台灣、上海及美國三地有公司),並留在美國。 因為大約半年前開始有打算要念MBA,也已經著手準備考試 ...

Purdue/ UT Dallas MBA 畢業後就業情形

James avatar
By James
at 2012-04-07T12:02
※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板 #1FVxKMPG ] 作者: jovian1010 (炎炎夏天) 看板: studyabroad 標題: [問題] Purdue/ UT Dallas MBA 畢業後就業情形 時間: Sat Apr 7 11:31:32 2012 不知道有沒有版上的朋友 ...