An alternative to wash your grades - 會計

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-06-16T03:17

Table of Contents

  Most ppl think that entering graduate school can wash your pool grades
in University. However, it's only partially correct. If your grades really
sucks, you might not get a chance for interview,even though you're really good
then. There's one way for those who get suckass grades in Intermediate
accounting and Cost accounting. That is transmittance exam. After transmitted
, take the accounting courses again even if you have passed them. And then
WALA! You have a perfect transcript now.

  A traditional accounting graduate school also helps ,but only after you
have the chance for interview. If you don't, try some connections to get you

  Is this method helps in applying for USA graduate school? I don't know.
Why not Auditting and Advenced accounting? After you get the grades you are
already in the 4th year ,and it will take 2 years to wash your grades. That's
of low benefits.



Tags: 會計

All Comments

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2010-06-17T04:40
Do you mean pool grades or poor grades?


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2010-06-15T23:56
請問有人是CIA會員嗎? 我想要買CIA的用書, 若您是CIA會員,麻煩您回站內信給我! 事後,小弟用500P當作答謝 :} - ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2010-06-15T20:08
看錯審計總複習時間了 結果白跑了一趟高上andgt;and#34;andlt; 誠徵審計-羅智成(總複習)最後一堂課錄音檔 我有多一本徐錦華成會總複習講義可以送你andgt;and#34;andlt; 或是來信討論代價,謝謝 - ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2010-06-15T19:29
不好意思 我有爬一些文可是還是不太懂 我不是會計系的學生 本來想轉系但成績太差(沒書卷轉不了阿atatand#34;) 不過學的有點相關 大一修過初會 經原 微乙 之後大二會有統計之類(必修) 不懂的點是這個 and#34;相當科系畢業是指,必須曾修習會計師考試規則第五條第二款所列學科 至少七 ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2010-06-15T18:20
請問大家有關汽車業的會計 有什麼比較重要的特性呢? 例如資本密集,低存貨,售後服務 想請問那些特色對會計貨是會計科目有什麼影響 謝謝!!! - ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2010-06-15T15:26
雖然公報有寫到外幣交易時會產生這科目,可是我實際拿一家有外幣交易的公司來做,卻 發現不會有匯率影響數出現。 例:假設1/1公司全資產為美金1,000,000(NT32,000,000),存貨為NT200,000,無負債, 匯率為32。4/1出售NT100,000存貨,產生利益NT223,000,應收帳款US ...