An LOR Conundrum - 工管

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2011-12-19T13:48

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It is OK to get two LORs from two different people at the same company? I
worked with them both on different projects so they will have different
things to say, but does it look bad coming from the same place? And if itˆs
a problem… who else can I ask? Iˆve been at the same company for 5 years…


Who knew LORs could be so complicated, eh? When you think about it, how hard
is it to get two people to write glowing recommendations for you? But as youˆ
ve seen here, and weˆve seen countless times, itˆs not a simple as it seems.

Letˆs imagine things in an ideal world, shall we? In that perfect place, you
ˆd have two people from two different companies praising you for two
completely different jobs/roles/experiences. And that would be wonderful. Of
course, we donˆt live in a perfect world and in your world, where youˆve
worked at the same company for 5 years, that canˆt happen. So… what now?

Well, if you donˆt have a choice, you donˆt have a choice. Get those 2 LORs
from two people in the same company. Just make sure that they speak about you
in different capacities. What you DONˆT want is both guys talking about your
part in the same project, or even the same role you held in different
projects. You want them to highlight two DIFFERENT aspects of your candidacy
and abilities… otherwise, why not just have one letter, right?

If thatˆs not possible, and sometimes itˆs not, then you may want to think
outside of the office for your second LOR. Now, this isnˆt ideal – you are
applying to BUSINESS school, after all, so having 2 professional LORs is
always better – but sometimes things happen and you have to think outside
the box. So find someone who can speak about you from an extra-curricular, an
organization, or something thatˆs not your job. The key here, though, is to
have them highlight stories/experiences/stuff that would still impress a
b-school adcom: leadership experiences, management experiences, fundraising
projects for a non-profit that were successful. Think BUSINESS… not just
what a stellar guy or girl you are, or how fun you are to be around.

Now, just to make sure weˆre clear here, letˆs break it down nice and

Ideal: 2 LORs from 2 people in 2 different companies.
Next Best: 2 LORs from 2 people in the same company that can speak on 2
different things.
Last Resort: 2 LORs from 1 professional and 1 non-professional recommender.

Got it?

Good luck,
– Jon Frank
HBS 2005

Tags: 工管

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Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2011-12-18T21:38
請教各位 如果托福考了103(R29 L24 S23 W27) 想申請前20的學校 應不應該再考一次爭取更高的成績? (時間只剩一個多月 essay開始在準備 GMAT730 工作四年) 想了解托福成績對申請結果的影響有多少 謝謝! - ...

IESE 同學心得分享 -2

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-12-17T23:24
轉自同學在追夢網的分享 我是IESE Class 2012的學生,今年到NYU當交換生四個月 以個人經驗+亞洲學生觀點,對IESE做個類似SWOT分析 如果想要進一步了解學校,歡迎參加12/27台北說明會19:00at六福皇宮 Strengths 1. Diversified student body ...

IESE 同學心得分享 -1

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2011-12-17T23:03
轉自IESE Class 2012 台灣同學在追夢的文章 剛好有申請者寫信問了我學校的經驗,回完信之後順手po過來, 跟大家分享一下個人經驗:) 如果還有想知道的,在台灣的同學們可以參加12/27在台北的Info session、 或是在這裡回文、或是寫信給我( ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2011-12-16T14:04
最近陸續收到R1學校的面試信 唯獨ASU一直無消無息.... 點開MyASU也只能知道狀態是in review.... 是不是這間學校本來就比較晚通知面試? 還是.....噢!我不敢想...QAQ - ...

Re: For Chinese and Indian MBA Applicants, Itˆs

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2011-12-16T11:06
Hello there. Yes, Taiwanese are viewed as different than Chinese—the expectation is that people from Taiwan (and HK for that matter) will be more internat ...