Answering the "Why MBA Now" Question - 工管

William avatar
By William
at 2014-03-14T10:25

Table of Contents

There are several interview topics that every MBA interviewee should be

prepared for such as discussions of an important professional accomplishment,

a significant teamwork or leadership experience, points of learning from a

mistake/failure or their strengths and weaknesses. MBA interviewees should

carefully consider how they might discuss these topics when preparing for the


But perhaps the most important question that is asked in 99% of MBA

interviews is "Why do you need an MBA now?" This question is simple - right?

Based on our experience MBA interviewees often struggle to provide a coherent

answer to this seemingly simple question.

When our clients struggle to answer this critical "Why MBA now" question we

often advise them to first focus on the purpose of the question. For many MBA

interview questions, the interviewer's purpose is to understand how the

interviewee analyzes problems and why they make key life decisions. Getting

an MBA is certainly a key life decision and thus this decision should be based

on a well thought out plan.

The reason for pursuing an MBA will not be the same for every person and

there is not one right answer as to why a person might need an MBA. Thus,

when answering the "Why MBA now" question the interviewee must incorporate

reasons that fit their specific situation. Here are several acceptable

reasons for pursing an MBA:

- You need to learn more about business and develop new skills to make a career transition
- Your career progression has plateaued
- You've gained adequate work experience and it is time to get a general management perspective so that you can move up to management level within your company.
- You are at a natural break or transition point in career
- You want to start and run a business but need more skills and a strong network in order to secure funding, deal with investors, customers, etc.
- You want to learn more about international business and work outside your country

Thus, there a number of logical, career-oriented reasons for why a person

might need an MBA at a certain time. In our next blog post we will provide

more specific ideas about how to answer the "Why MBA now" question.

創陞教育(Transcend Admissions Consultants)

David Johnston
Georgetown University Law Center
[email protected] Plan. Execute. Succeed!

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2014-03-15T05:03


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2014-03-09T04:18
3/4 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Self-introduction 2. Why MBA now? 3. Why UIUC? 4. Short/long term goals 5. 個人優缺點? 6. 如果讓你來設計,會設計怎麼樣的MBA?(理想情況下) 7. Qanda ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2014-03-04T15:44
不會 小弟去年曾協助一位申請人轉職三次,當兵也算的話四次,中間還創業 申請的時候G只有6字頭,死期後接近一個月才補到剛好7 面試拿九間,上七間,獎學金拿下快要一手,其中一間秒全獎,對岸第一名校中歐也上了,後就讀某Top 15 MBA,懊惱沒丟M7 前年協助過一位只有一年事務所經驗,G不到7,也上Top 15 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2014-03-03T16:29
每個工作都不到一年是有一點瑕疵, 對申請學校而言, 假如是換到外商公司做會計, 當然就沒問題; 不然至少也要換到相似規模的公司, 如果負責的project/client可以 更大就好, 所以到時候申請, 在online application form裡面被問到 Reason of Leaving 就寫類似a ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2014-03-01T08:18
這篇其實寫得很好 但是我忍不住要在深入推一下 即使原作申請到了 top50/top20 MBA 畢業之後還是要拿著履歷表去找工作 要記住,MBA 只是一個過程,畢業前後還是會面臨找工作的壓力 你要如何拿這個一份履歷表去找到MBA以後的工作才是重點 如果你無法提出個完整又可以信服人的故事, 即使是 top ...

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Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2014-02-27T09:52
在stanford的網頁上看了好久 只找到一個supply chain program 沒有supply chain相關的graduate degree 請問他的supply chain是不是歸在mba下面? 先謝謝回答! ※ 編輯: gxdrsl 來自: ...