Ask Transcend Admissions Consultants - 工管

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-06-22T16:13

Table of Contents

Hello future MBA students!

My name is David Johnston, and I am the Founder of Transcend Admissions

Consultants, a consultancy based right here in Taipei, Taiwan. We specialize

in providing strategic advice to Taiwanese MBA applicants to ensure they

showcase the strongest aspects of their candidacy in their applications.

The MBA application process can be overwhelming for many candidates - as

thoroughly understanding all of the unique MBA programs, and creating a

comprehensive and compelling set of essays, letters of recommendation and

resume can take a great deal of time. Therefore, I am more than happy to

share the insights and knowledge that helped Transcend Admissions achieve

a 91% success rate in 2010-2011 here on PTT! I will be posting articles

from my blog ( and please

feel free to send me your questions (in English or Chinese) about applying

to MBA programs.

Best of luck with your applications,

David Johnston, Managing Director
Transcend Admissions Consultants
Mobile: +886-987-914-077
Email: [email protected]

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-06-26T01:31
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-06-30T12:11
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-07-04T20:06

與世界頂尖 MBA 商學院面對面深入對談

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-06-21T18:01
Ready for your MBA? 與世界頂尖商學院面對面深入對談! 工作繁忙的你,利用一個晚上與七所名校代表深入對談並獲得正確的資訊, 是了解MBA最有效率的方式! 康乃爾大學、 聖地牙哥大學、西班牙IE商學院 等七所MBA 名校代表將親自來台,採用圓桌討論形式,介紹學校課程特色,並針對每個參與者 ...

Re: 7/9 (六) 2011 台灣MBA高峰會於台北舉行!!!

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-06-20T22:38
感謝大家對於活動的支持及關心! 提醒各位,因活動報名踴躍,提醒尚未報名的朋友加緊腳步完成線上報名及後續繳費,因 為剩餘座位只剩下150位不到了! 另外,回應眾多網友來信,若僅於報名網頁報名但未繳費、未收到通知確認信,都仍未完 成報名,參加名額將不會保留! ^^^^^^^^^ ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-06-19T12:57
我也提供一些資訊 基本上MBA學位進入投資銀行 就是從associate做起 但MBA學位係指歐美的學位 像台大管院雖然也是給MBA 但其實比較接近MSF 然後至於哪些MBA比較容易進入投資銀行 也必須要看投資銀行的偏好與投資銀行的知名度 例如高盛 大摩等IBD summer associate ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2011-06-18T10:51
我看許多板最近都在討論IBD的事情 就升起了這個疑問atat 通常IBD很多都是MBA的人 但是要到前幾大才進得去呢? 也就是說多數人MBA是在排名多少的人啊? - ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2011-06-17T23:34
※ 引述《life2002 (dog days)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《askMBA (PTT_MBA)》之銘言: : : 小弟目前有點猶豫 因為雖然AT跟托福成績還可以 但是我其實沒什麼工作經驗.... : : 我不是本科系的 但是我蠻想要進投資銀行工作(大學的時候接觸一些財務的相關課程 : : 讓我產生 ...