BTMU三菱東京日聯銀行Global Banker - 職涯

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2014-02-11T20:27

Table of Contents


We take great pride in our customer satisfaction and appreciate your continued
patronage with the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (herein after BTMU)

At BTMU, we aim to contribute to the growth of the global economy through
the provision of services to support worldwide customer growth. To be a
foundation of strength, committed to meeting the needs of our customers,
serving society, and fostering shared and sustainable growth for a better
world is our corporate mission.

High quality learning and development will ensure our people have what it
takes to be global bankers. The Global Bankers Program combines a series of
various trainings and on-the-job trainings. BTMU believes that future leaders
should always be critical and innovative.

The Global Bankers Program provides opportunity to participate specific
training as identified and designed to you.


We are seeking for high potential individuals with the following attributes
and competencies:

- Undergraduate and/or post graduate degree

- Proficiency in English & Mandarin

- Applicants attain proficiency in Japanese are also welcomed.

- Good communication and interpersonal skills

- Global viewer

- Teamwork spirits

- High standard of integrity


Please download and complete the standard application form
(Click here to download)

Additional Required Documents:

1. Both English & Chinese resume
2. Transcript (from recent undergraduate / graduate schools)
3. Proof of language proficiency (e.g. English – TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS
/ Japanese – JLPT)
4. Certification, diploma, recognition, internship (if any)

Please submit the standard application form and required documents to
[email protected]

(Kindly be informed that all attached files per mail must under 2 MB.)

Application Deadline: March 31, 2014

Tags: 職涯

All Comments

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2014-02-13T01:03
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2014-02-17T08:09

29歲了 還是踏不出社會

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2014-02-11T19:27
呃!既然你已經跟別人不一樣了, 要不要嚐試一條更不一樣的路啊? 我覺得,你不擅跟人交際, 要不要考慮走農林漁牧這一條路, 比較好的,可以考慮精緻農業,蘭花、花卉 如果不怕髒,可以考慮牛、豬、羊、雞,養殖魚業 29歲再從大學開始唸起, 吳寶春不也是國中畢業,就學做麵包, 有個一技之長,再用假日考慮要不要補 ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2014-02-11T05:28
原po現就讀某私立科大 家中自營服務業並不富裕 也因此需要助學貸款。 算了算畢業後貸款金額為34萬左右...... 不禁開始羨慕起不需要助貸的同學 也有些後悔自己繼續念大學背債...... 今年就要畢業了,以月薪2萬5-3萬來算 兩年內要還完機率不高...... 還完後自己又有多少存款呢? 想要努力找高 ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2014-02-10T17:10
我是某科大學生,今年二上剛讀完,原本要繼續漫無目的讀完四年,因為家中經濟問題,所以想轉大學夜間部,而順便找尋自己的未來方向,目前有幾個問題想詢問大大們: 如果現在休學在暑假時可以考轉學考二年級夜間嗎?等於是修滿大一考大二。 -- Sent from my Android - ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2014-02-09T22:41
小弟大學畢業兩年半了,目前有個穩定的工作 薪水生活還過得去,下班時間大概六七點左右 原本我是在台北工作,後來回鄉下老家工作 過了幾個月之後,才發現原來自己很沒有朋友.... 在台北的時候,工作即生活,也很少休假 因為假日少,不會感到生活很空虛寂寞 大學的時候我常常是獨行俠,社團跟系上都有朋友 但沒有形 ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2014-02-09T17:18
小弟今年27 剛開始工作4個月 從小沒有保險 所以想為自己買一份保險 因為月薪不多 所以買之前非常猶豫 目前覺得還不錯的商品年繳43k 問家人都差不多30~40k之間而已 不知道是不是自己買太貴 大概是收入的9~10% 因為一繳就是20年 保費還會隨年紀調漲 想著未來要是還有房貸車貸養家 這 ...