budget的問題 (回答者有p幣^^) - 會計

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2010-01-06T02:03

Table of Contents

回答正確者 我提供3000P幣喔~~~謝謝^^

Balance sheet as at 31 Dec 2001

Fixed assets 99,500
Current assets
Debtors (Nov, $10,000, Dec, $11,000) 21,000
Stock (raw materials) 10,000
Stock (finished goods) ____9,500__

Current liabilities
Creditors (Nov, $3,5000, Dec, $ 3,500) -7,000
Bank ____-8,000__
Net current assets ____25,500_
Total net assets 125,000

Share capital and resrves
Ordinary share capital 103,000
Profit and loss account __22,000_
Total shareholders' funds 125,000

* Depreciation is at 10% straight line basis per year.

* Purchases will be $4,800 in January increasing by $200 per month.
They are payable two month after the purchase.

* Sales will be $15,000 in January increasing by $400 per month.
Debtors pay two months in arrears.

* Production cost per unit will be: direct materials $12, direct labour $10,
production overheads $2 (direct labor and production overheads are paidin
the month incurred) Production 400 units per month. Sales 380 units per

* Expenses will run at $6,000 per month. They will be paid in the month



a) sales budget, cash budget, debtors budget, creditors budget, production
cost budget, raw materials budget, finished goods budget for the six-month
period ending 31 March 2002.

b) budgeted income statement for the six-month period ending 31 March 2002.

c) budgeted balance sheet as at 31 March 2002


Tags: 會計

All Comments


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-01-06T00:46
搜尋了一下 發現FIFO有分定期跟永續..... 不過我的題目好像沒有這種區分:) 10,000 tonnes was purchased at the beginning of the period for $1 15,000 tonnes was purchased at the middle of ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2010-01-06T00:08
有幾個問題想請教版上的大大們, 當客戶開出去的發票與收到的外幣有差額是做什麼科目? 例如:外幣收到1000*32.5(匯率)=32,500 發票開32,000 若是有一部分是預收要如何處理?而且中間還有差額要如何處理? 例如:1/15 外幣收到1000*32.5(匯率)=32,500 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-01-06T00:06
Q:A公司產銷小帆船,每月需求量約為40~50艘平 均需求量46艘, 工廠每月營運 300小時 每艘船約需3小時製造時間,假如公司增加生產獨木舟,則初期需求量約每月 10艘,每艘獨木舟需要2小時製造時間,為避免現有產能不足,擴充裝配線是可能的, 而且擴充後所有產品的製造時間將下降20%,但此舉也將使帆船 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2010-01-05T23:42
不好意思 又來問問題了 題目是這樣 期末盤點存貨時,若遺漏計算某批商品,致期末存貨低估,則會導致該公司當年度的: (A) 銷貨毛利高估 (B) 淨利低估 (C) 保留盈餘不變 (D) 營運資金高估 答案是(B) 我的想法是 EX.假設原本期末存貨正確是 $50 結果我誤記為 $20 andlt;-- ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-01-05T22:45
原價:580 現售:400 因為之前多買一本...(泣) 用不到所以低價賣出... 是全新的,如果有需要可寄站內信給我 - ...