Can a High GMAT Score Save an Application? - 工管

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-08-24T01:40

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I dream to study abroad for my MBA but Iˆm worried that Iˆm too….normal.
My undergraduate university was not a top one but a normal local college, and
I have been working for 7 years now. I am wondering if I should even apply
for b-school because my background is weak. Can a high GMAT score outweigh
other shortcomings in my MBA application?


The short answer is yes, a high GMAT score CAN help a weaker application.
Kill it on your GMAT and you will certainly have a shot at an MBA in the US.
If you break 700, you should be in the top-50 range! Now, as you get closer
and closer to 760, 770, 780 etc. you will be able to rise up the ranks into
the top 30, top 20, and top 10.

But for you especially, given the fact that your school is not a top-ranked
one (and you donˆt have a great work experience either, it sounds like), the
GMAT becomes VERY important. If you can do very well in that test, you will
have good chances this year. So get a 760…and you will be in business!

Now, of course there is even MORE that you can do. The most obvious thing is
to bring out some amazing WORK experience. If you have a great job—perhaps
with a well-known company, ideally even an international or US-based company—
you could look even MORE impressive. That is, you got a job DESPITE the fact
that you didnˆt go to an amazing college. ¨Gosh, that must have been hard
to do!〃 I can hear the adcoms thinking that already. So great work
experience can help to overcome a weaker, or ¨normal〃 college background.

And finally, you can make yourself stand out through EXTRA-CURRICULAR
activities. Do you volunteer anywhere? Do you have any LEADERSHIP
experience OUTSIDE the office? If yes, that is also a great thing that can
make a ¨normal〃 application stand out from the crowd. The combination of
extra-curricular work and LEADERSHIP go a very long way in MBA applications.

So never fear! Just because you didnˆt go to an amazing school, or just
because you feel that your background is too ¨normal,〃 there is still a TON
of hope for you. Just follow our simple steps, and you will be in great
shape this year!

Good luck!
– Jon Frank
HBS 2005
Founder Precision Essay

Tags: 工管

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mba tour的到場問題

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-08-23T23:50
想問大家一下 因為之前報名mba tour時 以為自己9/3會有空 可是現在臨時有一些事 如果當天沒有到場會不會怎樣? 我的意思是像是影響以後申請學校什麼的 (畢竟來了蠻多間美國的學校) 或是有什麼記錄 以後無法參加類似說明會 有人是報名過可是當天卻沒到場的嗎? 請大家幫忙解惑~謝謝:D ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-08-23T18:36
請問各位前輩 一般在申請學校,大概申請幾間比較適當? 如果計畫申請10間左右 會不會太多? 不知道前輩如何分配自己心中tier1、2、3學校的申請數目? 謝謝 - ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2011-08-23T15:06
隨著台灣與中國大陸的關係逐漸穩固,商機也隨之湧現,欲前往中國大陸發展的人才更是趨 之若鶩,已有上百萬台灣人在大陸的商場上擁有一片舞台,若在台灣的你正在尋找轉戰大陸 的契機,請務必參加九月四號由長江商學院學校代表所舉辦的coffee chat,告訴你如何借 用長江商學院的MBA學位迅速累積你在中國的人脈。 本 ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2011-08-23T10:54
A這家很看分配到哪一個顧問 大家要找顧問 可以多問問前人 每一間跟申請人合作的模式都不太一樣 有些留學顧問公司如eXXXXXX就是主要顧問就是一個王牌 也就是一個老闆 會有一個人在中間負責聯絡 但是中間這位小姐 就是態度上評價一直都很差 有部分的ESSAY會是這位小姐看 聽說走內心戲路線的文章她看的是還 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-08-23T01:39
各位前輩好: 小弟也是有志要準備MBA 因為是理工科跨行MBA,實在是很沒有SENSE 近期周末也跑了南陽街幾次 想從顧問那邊收斂一下 問題與選擇範圍 但是都沒有得到很有用的資訊,想順便請問大家是否都不推南陽街的顧問群~~??? 以下是有接觸過的補習班: 1.X勢 原本說顧問是某大學教授 ...