Can I Tell Personal Stories in My Application Essays? - 工管

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-09-28T17:35

Table of Contents


I am working on the third essay for MIT application: Please describe a time
when you had to make a decision without having all the information you
needed. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page).

For this kind of topic, it is OK to write something not work-related, but
purely personal? Like a life decision, etc? Will this kind of topic fit in
with the application, or is should all essays be focused on work and business?


The answer to your question is that by all means, YES – and this goes for
any school you may be applying to – you can absolutely write an essay that
is not work related. In fact, we recommend that you do! Like we always say,
b-schools are hiring people, NOT profiles, and throwing something a little
personal in there really humanizes you and shows the adcoms who you are as a

But, of course, there are some ground rules here, folks.

First of all, you must remember that you are applying to business school and
not…erm…life coaching school. What does that mean? It means that if you
want to write about a personal experience, you should only do that in one
essay per application. One. Then make sure that aaaall your other essays are
work related.

The other thing to keep in mind is…well, business. Even if youˆre writing
about something personal, try to keep business in mind. For example, you
could write about a time that you went to meet a friend for dinner but you
didnˆt know where the restaurant was. That qualifies as a ¨decision without
having all the information,〃 but what does that really say about you
(besides the fact that you donˆt have a navigation system in your car….)?
Nothing. So why tell it? When youˆre using a personal story in response to
this question or any question, you want to make sure thereˆs a GOOD reason
to include it.

Does this story show that you have the skills (able to think on your toes,
resourceful, rational, logical, etc…) to be good in business?

Does it present you in a way that will be endearing and appealing to the
admissions committee?

Make sense? As long as you keep those two things in mind, throwing a personal
story into your application can (and should) only help ya.

Good luck!

– Jon Frank

P.S. MIT loves to hear about your past more than your future. Just a little
tip from me to you.

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2011-10-02T12:52
thanks for sharing ~~really helpful~~~
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2011-10-07T10:30
Thank you very much!

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