Career Changes and the MBA Application Essay - 工管

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-10-05T13:15

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I believe most b-school applicants intend to land a different job (either in
another industry or in another position, or both) after they get their MBA.
But Iˆve heard you say that adcoms donˆt like career-switchers. So how do I
deliver an essay that speaks my mind and is honest, and, at the same time,
convinces the adcom?


Itˆs easy, dude.

Donˆt talk about career changes in your essays for the adcom.

I know that doesnˆt seem to make sense but stick with your past background.
Speak your mind…as though you were going to stay along the lines of your
current job. That is your best bet for sure.

Career changes make adcoms nervous. Why? Well, hereˆs the deal. Adcoms like
people who prove they will be wildly successful one day. (Wildly successful
people make b-schools look good. They also make a lot of money….and then
donate that money back to the school that helped them get there. Yes, even
business school is a business.) And for adcoms, someone who has experience in
a field are much more likely to be successful than someone who doesnˆt.

Think about it. If you were reading two applications and both people wanted
to own their own hedge fund one day, but one applicant has worked at a hedge
fund for 5 years and other has spent the past 5 years in consulting ….who do
YOU think would have a better chance at achieving that long-term goal?

The truth is, it doesnˆt matter how badly to WANT to make that career
change; the adcom is going to go for the sure thing. And that, my friend, is
not the career switcher.

So…why bother? Why stick with the career-change story? Why take that risk?
Just stick to what you know in your application and show those adcoms that you
ˆre a sure thing.

Then, once youˆve got that MBA under your belt, you can switch careers as
many times as you want.

It worked for me….

– Jon Frank

Founder Precision Essay

Tags: 工管

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Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2011-10-04T23:30
可以問一個不太清楚的問題嘛? 這幾天在申請的時候好像都沒有看到學校有仔細說明 要在什麼時間點之前讓他們收到ETS/GMAC寄發的正式成績單。只有self report score。 有人可以幫忙解惑一下嘛? ps: ETS網頁哪裡可以看自己當初選的學校阿? 我熊熊忘記我填了哪些(或是有沒有填...),成績單 ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2011-10-04T11:20
根據蘋果日報報導, and#34;澳門威尼斯人酒店連續第二年來台招募接待員,月底前開放應徵,要 招募八十五名接待員,薪資達六萬到八萬元,職缺放上網一星期,已有超過一百人投遞履歷 。該公司國際市場發展行政副總裁張海平昨說,台灣服務業員工的基本功好、學習速度快, 受到顧客肯定,因此今年再度跨海來台招募..and ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-10-04T10:22
你不用跟他們比 你要強調你自己的工作經驗有甚麼特別 怎麼樣讓你想念MBA 邏輯上要通 去年申請top16一堆台灣土生土長的人上 我覺得你不用擔心 至於你要強調去大陸工作 你第一個要想的問題就是 那你為什麼需要一個美國學位? 如果我是面試官 我一定就問你這個 如果你只是在台灣小公司 可是你是做全世界的生意 ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2011-10-04T10:09
想請教各位板上的同學及學長姐 我在CD板上看到大陸地區的同胞 無論是在考試或是申請MBA的結果都有非常傑出的表現 加上現在中國是世界第二大經濟體(我想很快就會超越美國) 很多人都想分一杯羹去中國工作 而且也有很多大陸同胞的MBA申請者有所謂家族企業的優勢及經驗 在申請文件如履歷及essays上都可 ...

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