CEIBS student sharing session in Taipei - 工管

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2011-12-15T16:23

Table of Contents



RSVP : http://www.ceibs.edu/today/news/upcomingevents/12/100696.shtml

中歐商學院台灣俱樂部歡迎您!! FaceBook account : CEIBS Taiwan Club

Tags: 工管

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Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2011-12-14T23:38
大家好 小弟目前正在準備申請BU及INDIANA KELLEY SCHOOL 有一些問題想請教畢業校友及同時在申請的戰友們 請問板上有大大願意提供小弟諮詢嗎 XD 感恩~ 謝謝大家 - ...

What is Your Greatest Achievement?

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2011-12-14T12:27
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UCLA Anderson MBA Coffee Chat (12/21)

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2011-12-13T17:14
各位有興趣申請MBA的朋友們大家好, 我們是 UCLA Anderson Full-Time MBA 的在校同學,將趁著寒假的空檔回到台灣舉行 coffee chat,希望能夠利用這次機會,向各位分享我們在Anderson的學校生活、申請 MBA的過程,以及MBA路上的點點滴滴。歡迎有興趣的朋友們踴躍報名參 ...

NYU Stern MBA CoffeeChat

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By Thomas
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For Chinese and Indian MBA Applicants, Itˆs

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By Caroline
at 2011-12-12T15:11
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