CFA level one 問題詢問... - 金融分析師

By Bennie
at 2005-05-26T02:35
at 2005-05-26T02:35
Table of Contents
basic eps 計算普通股部分可以運用的每股盈餘
所以N/I要扣掉preferred dividends
diluted eps計算稀釋後普通股可以運用的每股盈餘
不知道你的比較基準是什麼? 是basic eps還是N/I?
※ 引述《yuppieman (call me yuppie)》之銘言:
: 不好意思...問依個簡單的問題...
: 我是用Shulman Review
: 在 financial statement analysis中
: 有關basic eps and dilutive eps裡
: 公式裡
: basic eps的分子項要減除preferred stock dividends
: dilutive eps裡
: 如果在convertible preferred stock的情況下
: 書裡是說不需要減除preferred stock dividends(不就算是加回去)
: 題目是:(P.139 Q3)
: A company had 22,000 outstanding shares of convertible preferred stock,
: par value $100. The dividend is 15% yearly and the company's tax rate is 40%
: Each share of preferred stock is convertible into 2 shares of common stock.
: The effect on the calculation of diluted earnings per share would be to
: (A) increase the numerator by $330000 and increase the denominator by 44000.
: (B) leave the numerator unchanged and increase the denominator by 44000.
: (C) increase the numerator by $198000 and increase the denominator by 44000.
: (D) leave the numerator unchanged and increase the denominator by 22000.
: 書裡的答案是
: (B)
: "Since the convertible issue is preferred stock, there is no effect on the
: numerator. the denominator increases by the number of additional common
: 為什麼答案不是(A)呢?計算dilutived eps的話...可轉換特別股變成普通股
: 相對的特別股股利就沒了不是媽?跟basic eps相比的話不是要把當初扣除的
: 特別股股利加回去嗎? 怎嚜會是沒有影響呢?
: 請高手解解惑....懷疑答案有錯....快抓破腦袋了
所以N/I要扣掉preferred dividends
diluted eps計算稀釋後普通股可以運用的每股盈餘
不知道你的比較基準是什麼? 是basic eps還是N/I?
※ 引述《yuppieman (call me yuppie)》之銘言:
: 不好意思...問依個簡單的問題...
: 我是用Shulman Review
: 在 financial statement analysis中
: 有關basic eps and dilutive eps裡
: 公式裡
: basic eps的分子項要減除preferred stock dividends
: dilutive eps裡
: 如果在convertible preferred stock的情況下
: 書裡是說不需要減除preferred stock dividends(不就算是加回去)
: 題目是:(P.139 Q3)
: A company had 22,000 outstanding shares of convertible preferred stock,
: par value $100. The dividend is 15% yearly and the company's tax rate is 40%
: Each share of preferred stock is convertible into 2 shares of common stock.
: The effect on the calculation of diluted earnings per share would be to
: (A) increase the numerator by $330000 and increase the denominator by 44000.
: (B) leave the numerator unchanged and increase the denominator by 44000.
: (C) increase the numerator by $198000 and increase the denominator by 44000.
: (D) leave the numerator unchanged and increase the denominator by 22000.
: 書裡的答案是
: (B)
: "Since the convertible issue is preferred stock, there is no effect on the
: numerator. the denominator increases by the number of additional common
: 為什麼答案不是(A)呢?計算dilutived eps的話...可轉換特別股變成普通股
: 相對的特別股股利就沒了不是媽?跟basic eps相比的話不是要把當初扣除的
: 特別股股利加回去嗎? 怎嚜會是沒有影響呢?
: 請高手解解惑....懷疑答案有錯....快抓破腦袋了
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