CPA考試(人在美國身份問題) - 會計

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-01-29T07:00

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想準備考CPA 我查了WI相關網站

educational requirement要求會計研究所畢業前兩個月才能報考

但是我畢業後如果沒有找到工作超過三個月就沒有合法身份了 沒辦法待在美國考試

如果離開美國工作 考CPA又不方便 + 拿不到license (沒有美國工作經歷)

有沒有版友跟我類似狀況的 是怎麼準備考試呢?

畢業前兩個月先考過一兩科 然後在美國找到工作後 邊工作邊準備考試嗎?


如果在美國找不到工作 是不是CPA那幾科就白考了?

(拿不到license 也不能抵台灣會計師考試)





(一般而言有license能抵 但有審議人員拒絕Guam和IL的license!?)




Iinitial License (Acceptance of Exam)
Applicants who have passed the Uniform CPA Examination, and may or may not be
licensed to practice public accounting in another jurisdiction, may apply for
an Initial License from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional
Regulation (IDFPR). Applicants who passed the examination in Illinois must
obtain the certificate from the Illinois Board of Examiners before applying
for the license.

Registration License.Effective October 1, 2006, after the CPA certificate is
issued by the Illinois Board of Examiners, no person shall hold him or
herself out to the public in any manner by using the title "certified public
accountant" or use the abbreviation "CPA" unless he or she maintains a
current Registration license issued by IDFPR. Registration is renewable every
three years. The Registration license is required of all CPAs not performing
audit and attest functions. There is no CPE or experience requirement for the
Registration license.

Certified Public Accounting License. In order to perform the audit and attest
function in Illinois, you must fulfill a one-year experience requirement to
qualify for a license to practice as a Licensed Certified Public Accountant.
The license is renewable every three years and requires 120 hours of CPE for
renewal. Without a license to practice public accounting you may not express
an opinion on a financial statement based on an audit or examination of a
financial statement or issue a report expressing assurance on a financial
statement. If you obtain a license to practice public accounting in Illinois,
then you are not required to register your certificate.

You may acquire both licenses in Illinois, but you MUST hold at least one
license in order to hold yourself out to the public in any fashion as a CPA.

所以我現在主要還是卡在身份問題 感謝賜教<(_ _)>


All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-01-31T05:27
I am in the same situation like you. I am currently using
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2010-02-03T05:08
the grace period, and the OPT will start from mid Feb.
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2010-02-08T03:36
I would suggest you to search Becker's website. It has a
summary of the exam requirement. You can also check the
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2010-02-09T22:55
bulletin of each state.
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2010-02-11T11:45
It takes time to do the research, so get started asap.
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-02-15T01:21
那網站我看過了 找不到我要的答案Q_Q 不過IL是120天
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2010-02-18T19:41
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-02-20T08:36
I remember that there are two states not requiring w/e
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2010-02-23T05:14
to get a license, but I am not sure which state ..
Sorry for not giving any help...
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-02-24T01:43
台灣的會計師考試... 不過主要還是卡在我的身份...
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-02-26T10:01
no, you cool! thanks for the response :)


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-01-29T00:38
※ 引述《wanny7777 (小公主)》之銘言: : 我想請問大家喔 : 因我家有96年的外匯與證卷商業務員..東展書籍 : 97年的銀行內控... : 因今年突然想要好好準備考試.. : 我想問大家...因我家這些書籍的已經過了1~2年了... : ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2010-01-28T23:50
我想請問大家喔 因我家有96年的外匯與證卷商業務員..東展書籍 97年的銀行內控... 因今年突然想要好好準備考試.. 我想問大家...因我家這些書籍的已經過了1~2年了... 這樣我還要最新的98年書籍來讀... 可以繼續用舊的書籍...這樣會對我的考 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2010-01-28T20:54
1.甲公司在04/3/19買進機器一部,成本305000,估計可使用5年,殘值5000,採直線法提折舊 公司折舊政策為未滿一個月者,該月不提折舊,則06年底機器帳面價值多少?? 我的作法:(305000-5000)/5=60000 305000-60000*(2+8/12)=145000 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-01-28T20:47
大家好,想請教各位好手,有關中會的問題, 最近開始重讀鄭丁旺老師的中會第十版, 那今年考會計師的時候,我可以用國際會計準則的答法嗎? 第二,導入IFRS會計準則之前的會計(也就是第九版) 可以用到何時呢? 請問有沒有大概的時間呢? 謝謝各位。感謝您們。 - ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2010-01-28T19:33
※ 引述《goodlike (輝)》之銘言: : 回來複習被這觀念卡住... : 例: : 一家工廠 : A產品單價100 B產品單價200 : A單位變動成本90 B單位變動成本100 A B銷售比率40% 60% : 工廠固定成本420000 : 問:A ...