Essay Advice For Career Changers - 工管

George avatar
By George
at 2013-08-16T15:03

Table of Contents

Shifting functions or industries upon earning an MBA is very normal.

1/2 of an MBA class may be seeking a major career change. Although this is

common, a career changer faces the challenge of persuading the MBA admissions

committee that they are not only a strong MBA candidate, but that they will be

able to break into and succeed in their new field.

It's no surprise that one of the most common questions we receive from our

clients is how they can "sell" their career change aspirations to the

admissions committee. A good way to approach this issue is to think about it

in terms of writing a standard cover letter when applying for a job. An

ineffective cover letter (or goal essay) might state that the person is

interested in a job and then simply regurgitate basic information about their

experience that can already be found in their resume. An effective cover

letter (or goal essay) would mention the job they are seeking and then draw

connections between their past experiences and specific skills and how these

could be applied to the new job & company.

To summarize:

Ineffective cover letter = "I want x job and this is a basic summary of
what I have done in the past."

Effective cover letter = "Here is why my past experiences and skills make me
a good fit for x job."

Now let's think about the MBA goal essay like it is a cover letter. After

clearly explaining one's future goal it would be important for a career

changer to display the relevant skills and knowledge they have that would be

transferrable to their new career. If you are an engineer who wants to jump

into consulting you should find ways to display that you have some of the

teamwork, communication, logical reasoning and problem solving skills that are

crucial for success in that industry. And keep in mind that you don't have

to limit your explanations to skills that you have developed or experiences

you have gained in a professional context.

Since not everything can be learned in business school it is up to you to

persuade the admissions committee that you are a good fit for your new career

even before the MBA program starts. By approaching your MBA goal essay like

a cover letter you might find it easier to tell a more compelling and

interesting story about this new career that you are so excited about!

David Johnston
[email protected]

Tags: 工管

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如何成功申請M7- 台灣申請者

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2013-08-14T00:11
誠如下面網友提問以及文章中所述 我也很想藉此發問關於女生申請比較容易這件事 如果是為了比例平衡但是台灣女生又特別多 是不是代表其他國家錄取男生比較多哩 還是說男性申請者本身就比較多 那假設是這個前提的話 是不是代表每個國家去申請都存在著女生容易錄取的情況? - ...

如何成功申請M7- 台灣申請者

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2013-08-12T10:51
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