GMAC Reports Strong '14 Hiring Outlook - 工管

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2014-05-30T11:35

Table of Contents

Ever-increasing business school tuition coupled with the opportunity cost of

leaving one's job for one to two years makes the decision to pursue a graduate

business degree a difficult one for many potential MBA, MAcc, MFin and MiM

applicants. Potential applicants who are sitting on the fence might be

persuaded to apply after learning that the projected 2014 job market is among

the best ever (particularly the MBA job market), as major global corporations

continue to see value in hiring highly-skilled business school graduates.

GMAC's recently released 2014 Corporate Recruiter Survey indicates a very

positive employment landscape for MBA and other master's-level business

students who will graduate in the following twelve months. Some of the

Survey's key findings are as follows:


* An astounding 80% of all companies surveyed plan to hire MBA graduates,
compared to 73% in 2013.
* 83% of responding companies in Asia Pacific plan to hire MBAs this year,
up from 70% in 2013.
* A whopping 86% of employers in the United States said they plan to hire
MBAs in 2014, up from 81% last year.
* 84% of consulting employers plan to hire MBA grads, up 13 percentage
points from last year.
* Health care and pharmaceutical employers: 90% of the companies expect
to hire MBAs this year, up 19% from 2013.

Master in Management (MiM)

* 50% of all companies surveyed plan to hire Master in Management
graduates, compared to 45% in 2013.
* 68% of Asia Pacific employers expect to hire Masters in Management
graduates, up from 52% in 2013.

Master in Accounting (MAcc)

* Demand is increasing for Master in Accounting graduates (45% in 2014,
up from 36% in 2013).
* 53% of responding companies in Asia Pacific plan to hire MAcc graduates
this year, up from 39% in 2013.
* 64% of finance/accounting employers plan to hire MAcc grads, up 10
percentage points from last year.

Master in Finance (MFin)

* More employers are seeking Master in Finance graduates (44% in 2014,
up from 39% in 2013)
* 57% of Asia Pacific employers expect to hire MFin graduates, up from
40% in 2013
* 62% of finance/accounting industry employers who were surveyed said
that they plan to hire MFin grads, compared to 55% last year.

As one can see, the hiring outlook among responding companies is strong

overall, particularly in the Asia Pacific region, providing assurance for

future job-seekers in this region. We hope this information is helpful for

you as you make your graduate school decision. You can read the full GMAC

2014 Corporate Recruiter Survey by following this link.


Warm regards,


創陞教育(Transcend Admissions Consultants)

David Johnston
Georgetown University Law Center
[email protected] Plan. Execute. Succeed!

Tags: 工管

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OSU-Fisher MBA 第一年心得

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2014-05-28T12:40
時間很快地就過了 MBA第一年一下就結束了 這一年遇到了很多人受了很多幫助 所以分享一下這一年的心得 有人說MBA其實就像進了職業介紹所 其實所言不假 還沒開學 Career Center 就已經在調查大家的人生/職涯規劃 請大家把資料準備好 以及介紹各個 career consultant 開學後 同學們 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2014-05-21T14:55
這個版有太多700高分的同學分享申請上頂尖名校的心得,我自知我的分數並不高,也沒有 在知名企業或外商公司上班,而是在南部本土紡織公司工作,中部大學歷史系畢業、沒有 商業背景 (GMAT640、TOEFL98、GPA3.7、W/E 3.5 yrs),但我也跟大家一樣申請上了自己 心目中的dream school ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2014-05-21T13:37
MBA的第一年正式劃下句點,在暑期實習開始前的空檔,來分享一些心得。之前跟Kellogg 的Powen大大聊到,同樣身為土生土長台灣嬰仔,在美國找工作的心酸以及體悟,就在這邊 獻醜跟大家分享一下。有鑑於Powen大大已經分享過在開學前如何加強履歷以及工作經驗等 建議,我這邊就針對MBA第一年的心得做簡單的分享 ...

規劃一條最適合自己的路 - Wharton/Keewee 心得

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2014-05-15T23:39
完整圖文版: (原 po 委託代 po) 路遙知馬力 - 規劃一條最適合自己的路 從開始考GMAT、TOEFL、研究學校、參觀學校、 準備申請資料、寫Essay、面試到等結果出來, 這一年長的像過了三年一樣。申請上Whart ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2014-05-14T16:25
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