Harvard releases 2012-2013 essays - 工管

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2012-05-23T09:37

Table of Contents

Harvard Business School Deadlines and Essay Topics 2012-2013

The 2012-2013 Harvard Business School (HBS) deadlines and essay topics have
been announced for the Class of 2015.

The 2012-2013 HBS deadlines are as follows:

Round 1

Deadline: September 24, 2012

Notification: December 12, 2012

Round 2

Deadline: January 7, 2013

Notification: March 27, 2013

Round 3

Deadline: April 8, 2013

Notification: May 15, 2013

The 2012-2013 HBS essays are below:

1. Tell us about something you did well. (400 words)

2. Tell us about something you wish you had done better. (400 words)

In addition to the two required essays, applicants must also respond to a
brief career essay, posed in HBS's 2012-2013 online application. After
selecting a target post-MBA industry and function, candidates must answer the
following question:

How does pursuing an MBA support your choices above? (500 characters)

New this year, applicants invited to interview at HBS will be expected to
complete and submit a reflection essay in the 24 hours following their
interviews. Those candidates invited to interview will be provided with
specific instructions concerning this final reflection essay.

Please contact CA for further analysis of how the new HBS essays and
requirements will impact your applications this year!

[email protected]

Kevin Chen
Partner/Senior Admissions Counselor, Clear Admit (http://www.clearadmit.com/)
Stanford Graduate School of Business, class of 2005
Harvard Kennedy School of Government, class of 2000
Princeton University, class of 1994
Previous work experiences: McKinsey; NBA; Reuters

Tags: 工管

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Fordham University in Manhattan

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2012-05-18T00:18
大家好,我是 Clive,現在 Fordham University MBA class of 2013 的同學。簡單說, 我Po這篇文章有三個目的: 1. 希望讓大家多了解 Fordham MBA, 讓大家看看我們在做什麼。 2. 有Fordham新生, 趕快站內信或是 email 我。 3. 還在選校的新 ...

Top MBA 申請workshop說明會(代po)

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2012-05-17T23:07
各位同學, 您是否~ > 計畫申請海外MBA卻千頭萬緒? > 留學考試結束後不知從何開始? > 坊間資訊浮濫不知該相信哪些? > 覺得一對一顧問費用過於昂貴? > 坊間一般代辦機構又不夠專業? 智夢團隊由華頓、芝加哥商學院等頂尖MBA校友領軍,透過成功輔導許多台灣申請者成功 案例,從商學院招生 ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2012-05-16T01:16
Update一下。有同學問是不是討論運動相關的職業。 答案是我要講的是找工作跟networking的技巧,我相信各個行業都可以運用。 我自己對於創業、顧問業,行銷、消費性產品業也都有很多研究,歡迎大家一起討論! 除了career, 也會講到MBA各方面重點,學費很貴,希望讓大家有個值得的兩年! 大概是這樣, ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2012-05-14T16:39
要看想要mba的什麼 並且要看具體背景與目標間的差距為何 背景是否已具備零售業經驗,大學主修相關性有多高 而後要從具體背景與目標差距間,定義出明確需要提升的能力為何 來排出具體想修的課跟所需訓練與資源為何 策略管理面向廣泛而抽象 尤其又是短期內難以直接施展的高階權責 除了各專業面向的量化、質化策略分析與規畫 ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2012-05-13T06:54
感謝大家對前一篇MBA or NBA有興趣,我很榮幸能跟更多人分享我的經驗。 去年上半年,辦了很多場MBA分享會,也參加了一些前輩辦的座談會。 學習到了很多東西,並深刻體會到經驗傳承跟分享的重要性, 也許只是幾個小時,但真的能夠幫助到很多人。 仔細回想起,我大概已經跟上千位MBA申請者或在學生有過心得的交換 ...