How Long Does it Take to Find a Job (A - 待業

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2014-11-21T01:22

Table of Contents

For those of you fresh out of school and wondering, the answer to the
question in the title is “it depends.” According to a very rough rule of
thumb, it takes one month of job searching for every extra $10,000 of salary
(annual, USD) you expect to earn: $30,000 in 3 months, $60,000 in 6 months,
and so on. Of course, there are several key factors of the process that will
speed up or slow down your search time in addition to salary requirements:

1. Job search knowledge: This is probably the number-one factor affecting job
search time. Many people waste a long, long time on search tactics that do
not work, such as applying online without a focused approach or using generic
job boards for positions that receive hundreds and even thousands of
applicants. When your chance is 1 in 1000, it’s very slim. When it’s 1 in
10 or 1 in 5, it’s much better. Knowing how to find these opportunities is

2. Ability to network: Have you ever heard the expression “six degrees of
separation”? That’s right, your next employer is less than six connections
away. Effective networking involves connecting yourself with people that
matter, becoming a reliable source of information, and following up often. It
takes work! If you do it right, however, you will have access to 5 times the
amount of job opportunities you may have had otherwise (based on the fact
that 80% of the jobs are unadvertised!).

3. Location: While it may seem obvious, location is extremely important to
both industry and general job opportunities. It is much harder to find
technology jobs in rural counties of the USA than in San Francisco, for
example. In general, fewer employers = fewer jobs. If you are flexible and
able to relocate, that is even better.

4. Well-written documents: Make sure that you have a crisp, good-looking,
easy-to-read resume that passes the “15-second” test: If someone reading
your resume can tell what you’re about in 15 seconds or less, it’s a good
bet that they can easily understand your value and potential contribution. In
addition, ensure that your resume, targeted cover letter, and entire
application has no mistakes, so you don’t end up in the “no” pile for lack
of attention to detail. Remember, if your own resume has mistakes on it, what
guarantees you do a good job for someone else?

There are, of course, many other factors that may affect the speed of your
job search. However, these are probably the “BIG” ones. Make sure to spend
time learning and improving all of these: You will not only get a job faster,
but you will also be way more likely to find something you enjoy!

With contributions from
How Long Does it Take to Find a Job?
5 Reasons It's Taking You So Long to Find a Job
How Long Does it Take Executives to Find Their Next Job?

Sagiv Some is a consultant at The Career Guys, a Taipei-based career
consultancy helping people seek job opportunities in international companies
and overseas by offering job search advice, resume and cover letter editing,
interview preparation, and job-search workshops and advice. Check out more
articles at

Tags: 待業

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Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2014-11-17T18:42
首先看到標題不用太認真,就當作只是一種SEO優化吧 第一次發文,如果格式及排版不好請多包涵, 內容也有點多 小弟在家待業2個半月了 不久前才找到工作 因為之前待業的時候都在待業版尋找信心 所以現在來分享自己的經驗回饋給大家 小弟是從某國立商業技術學院畢業(就是今年八月升級成商業大學的那一家) 今年三月才退 ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2014-11-17T14:19
上市公司背景成立將近一年的公司 如何讓他不到一年的時間衝上全球排行榜前三名? 11月21日讓成功的人教你成功 用他的方法讓你月入百萬 待業的你還在找尋就業機會? 你需要的是有人教你賺錢的能力 當天入場費200元,須先訂購請速電洽0977033136 - ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2014-11-15T19:18
大家好: 我發現這個板才一個多月而已,在這之前,我已經待業一年半。 那段期間,心裡總有不斷反覆的猶豫和自我懷疑。 下定決心要轉往不同的領域發展,是在今年九月, 重新開始找工作之後,才無意間來到這裡。 我搜尋了轉職,鄉民們的文章給我很大的鼓舞, 所以在找到工作後的今天,我覺得也應該來回饋一下, 給還在職場裹足 ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2014-11-14T23:19
各位版友,您們好: 感謝您願意撥冗填寫這份問卷,此問卷為「國家發展委員會」委託,調查對象為現在或過 去曾有工作經驗的您,主要目的是瞭解我國低薪工作者生活態樣及其社會安全需求。 我們將隨機抽取25位受訪者致贈【1000元禮券】,感謝您填答此問卷,因此,請記得在問 卷最後留下你的email與連絡電話。我們將於 ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2014-11-11T13:58
大家好,因為小妹第一次使用ptt發文,所以有格式跑掉的地方請見諒。 是這樣的,因為前幾天去參加台塑總管理處的第一階段筆試,那還要等到大約11/17 時,才會收到有沒有過第一階段的筆試,然後才能進行第二階段的面試。 是想請教一下大家,如果這樣子的話你們都還會繼續投履歷,還是說會等台塑的通知呢? 因為我也待業好一 ...