How old is too old? - 工管

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2011-07-05T06:11

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Hello my friend. Happy to offer up some advice here. Yes, you will for sure
be on the older side. This means that for US programs, you will need to do
some research to see which programs are most open to older candidates. HBS
for example is not, whereas Tuck and Duke are. From there, you should also
consider European programs. There, the average age tends to be even 5 years
OLDER than the range in the US. IMD, for example, is known for finding its
graduates GREAT jobs (highest salaries) after graduation, and they specialize
in older candidates. And yes, you will be able to find a job; the trick will
be to convince the adcom that you are NOT at a dead end in your current
career. That’s not what they wanna see—they wanna know that for unusual
reasons, you are just a bit older than most. Military service is a GREAT
reason you are a few years behind. They are accustomed to this. When I was
in HBS we had one girl in my class who was 37—she was from China. J So
provided that you account for this carefully in your app, you should be just
fine this year my friend!

Jon Frank
Co-Founder Precision Essay
※ 引述《askMBA (PTT_MBA)》之銘言:
: 想請教各位板友或是板上的consultant
: 我是男生,大學畢業後當兵,退伍之後已經工作七年,目前33歲
: 上周剛考完托福,GMAT則是前兩年就考好了,還在有效期限內
: 原本我打算工作三四年就出去,但是因為某些因素,就一直工作到現在
: 現在我想,如果我今年提出入學申請,我想申請top10的學校
: 如果申請順利,也是要等到明年7、8月才會出去(出去時應該34歲了)
: 然後唸個兩年畢業是我大概就36歲了
: 這樣會不會太老?
: 我有個穩定的女友,但是她不太可能跟我一起去,因為她父母還需要靠她工作賺錢
: 所以她一直勸我打消出國的念頭,留在台灣好好工作跟她一起奮鬥。
: 不過我覺得以目前的收入和職等雖然還可以,
: 但我感覺再做個五年十年大概就很難升上去了,
: 身邊的人大部份都沒有出國唸過書,
: 他們一直認為我34歲還要出國真的太晚了,
: 就算去了好學校,36歲的畢業生也沒有人會願意用
: 就算是大企業的trainee計畫,可能也都是要用年輕的是嗎?
: 我越聽越擔心,但是又不甘心就這樣放棄唸書的計畫。
: 大家覺得唸MBA要幾歲以前去呢?
: 像我現在已經33了還要申請,明年34才出去,會不會太老呢?
: 而畢業時36歲是不是真的很難找工作呢?
: 懇請大家賜教。


HBS 2005

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Re: Ask Jon Frank at PTT

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-07-05T06:08
Yes my friend, that is exactly what I am saying. Once you get in, most schools will give you the time to continue to apply in Round 2. And even if they d ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-07-05T01:34
※ 引述《surfingdream (product planning)》之銘言: : 趁機問一下 : 聽說有些學校會讓夫妻一起申請比較容易上 : 有這種事嗎 應該是 至少一個有到上的標準 另一個 差一點 就有機會被學校優先考慮 我有認識學校的面試官 真的會考慮這部分 寫在evaluation表上 畢 ...

How old is too old?

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-07-04T23:07
請問想念MBA的理由是什麼啊? 只是因為升不上去嗎?我覺得如果工作七年之後,在某個領域已經有不錯的表現 和人脈,學歷好像不會是最主要的決定因素。 可能需要考慮一下這二年在原本工作生涯上的中斷,畢了業之後是不是原本該有的 位置還在?花了500萬是否真的值得。(可能原本要用來結婚組家庭的基金,女方可 以接受嗎? ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2011-07-04T22:59
趁機問一下 聽說有些學校會讓夫妻一起申請比較容易上 有這種事嗎 -- 我有認識夫妻一起上Berkeley MBA的 ※ 引述《askMBA (PTT_MBA)》之銘言: : 申請mba很多都是工作多年,年紀稍長的人 : 是否有版友也是有家庭, 小孩; 或者是有交往多年的男女朋友 : 想知道你們在申請出國 ...

How old is too old?

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2011-07-04T00:20
我只比你小一歲,更慘的是我還是女生.... 但是我自己很明確的知道自己未來要做什麼 最遠大的目標是做 biotech 相關的 VC (這個應該是作夢,女生進VC應該超難) 短程目標是進入製藥界的 BD 如果都被打槍的話還可以做 consultant 我也很相信自己的背景應該是很 desirable (3y ...