How to Fit Your Resume Into One Page - 工管

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2013-10-08T11:56

Table of Contents

MBA essay word limits are shrinking! Essays that used to have a 750 word

limits are now limited to 250-500 words. With these very tight space

restrictions it is impossible to mention all of your important past experiences

in the essays. As the essays get shorter, the resume becomes an even more

important vehicle to provide the admissions committee with a holistic

perspective of your background. And of course, your resume might provide the

only information your interviewer knows about you.

You will want to convey a lot of critical information in your resume. However,

trying to shift large chunks of essay content into your resume won't work - it

is still highly advisable (or even required) for applicants to submit a one

page resume. If you have had a lot of important professional and

extracurricular experiences you face the difficult task of prioritizing them

and squeezing them into one page. If you are struggling with this here are

some tips that can help you save valuable space on your resume:

-Reduce the length of your statements. Your bullets should provide adequate

detail about your responsibilities and list your achievements but they do not

need to tell the entire story. Sometimes context is important; but if your

bullets are spilling over into three lines you'll need to reduce some context

from your statements.

-Remove the statement of objectives. A statement of objectives is not

necessary for an MBA resume. It takes up a lot of space and provides little

value. The typical information conveyed in a statement of objectives would

normally be covered in a personal statement or "goal" essay.

-Reduce the number of sections. You do not need a separate section for items

like awards, publications, community service, etc. This would often eat up

too much space and could be condensed under broader headings like: "Additional

Information." It might make sense to create a specific section only if the

information was critical to your field of study or future goal.

-Reduce the number of bullets. You do not need to list several bullets for

every experience you've had. Use more bullets for more recent or longer

professional experiences. Limit internships or military experiences to one

bullet unless there is something particularly important you need to express.

-Adjust the formatting. The last thing you can do is make minor adjustments

to the formatting to squeeze more information into one page. But be sure

that the resume is uncluttered and easy to read. Some minor formatting

adjustments can make a big difference: the font theme Times New Roman takes

up much less space than some other fonts and you can create extra space by

listing your address, phone number and email address on one line.

We hope these tips were helpful! If you need any help creating the perfect

resume for your graduate school applications please consider using our Resume

Editing services.

David Johnston
[email protected]

Tags: 工管

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歐洲MBA 西班牙ESADE-課堂之外五四三

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2013-10-06T20:28
MBA對我而言 除了課程本身之外 整體同學跟環境對我來講也是很重要的 career service當然是最重要 但這部分我想不管是歐洲或美國的MBA 亞洲同學的職涯部分 資源都還是不比在地人充沛阿 還有亞洲的缺這部分 我想大家做功課的時候或多或少都有看到一些分享 個人的方向跟自己投入的程度變因太多 這部 ...

歐洲MBA 西班牙ESADE pre-term~

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2013-10-06T04:22
我想又是新一季MBA如火如荼申請的季節 之前準備申請時 歐洲學校的資訊真的是相當的缺乏 T.T 目前人在西班牙ESADE MBA一年級 希望能透過分享 讓西班牙派或者歐洲派的人能對歐洲MBA生活有更多了解~~:) -- 先前在板上分享了錄取心得 基本上選擇ESADE的原因除了本身會西語之外 是因為他 ...

LBS MiF申請心得

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2013-10-04T18:02
※ [本文轉錄自 AdvEduUK 看板 #1IJ9dxV3 ] 作者: jawi () 看板: AdvEduUK 標題: [心得] LBS MiF申請心得 時間: Thu Oct 3 06:11:05 2013 Hi大家好, 申請的季節又要來到了, 想要來跟大家分享一下我申請倫敦商學院LBS的一些心 ...

GMAT成績過期與申請dead line請教

David avatar
By David
at 2013-09-29T18:14
各位好: 想請問一個問題如下 如果我GMAT成績是2013/12月過期的話 但是趕申請第一輪的或者是說dead line在12月以前的學校 這樣申請OK嗎?我的申請依然有效嗎? 謝謝 - ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2013-09-28T23:57
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