Information for Reapplicants - 工管

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2013-04-19T16:16

Table of Contents

The top MBA and top Master's program application process is one of the most

fiercely competitive "games" anyone will ever enter. The applicant pool seems

to get stronger each year. Many extremely outstanding candidates are turned

away by top schools for one reason or another. If this happened to you, you

must continue to stay positive. One key to success is believing that you will

succeed. Another key to success is analyzing what happened and correcting your


So if you are committed to getting an MBA or Master's degree at a top

university you should not give up. NOW is the time to analyze what happened

so that you can make necessary adjustments and ultimately put forth a

stronger effort next time. Here are some things for reapplicants to consider

going into the next application cycle:

- Analyze Your Goals: Did your goals make sense based on your background and

abilities? Did you very clearly articulate them in your essays and during

your interviews?

- Analyze Your Profile: Does your profile fit the school you were applying to?

Were your GMAT & TOEFL scores and work experiences competitive compared to

others in that program? Not sure? -- then it's time to talk to current

students or alumni.

- Analyze Your Target Schools: Did you choose the schools that were the right

fit for your background and goals? Are your test scores and work experiences

competitive for typical members of that school's class?

- Analyze What Happened During the Application Process: If you did not get any

interviews then you need to take a closer look at your resume and what you

presented in your essays. If you received several interview invitations and no

admissions it's time to focus on your English speaking ability and how you

presented yourself. Perhaps you were not able to communicate your unique value

in the interview or came across as too shy or immature.

If you plan to reapply now is the time to analyze these key issues and create

an action plan for success. Most schools do not give feedback to rejected

applicants but a few do, such as U. Virginia (Darden) and Dartmouth (Tuck).

It won't hurt to ask if your school would be willing to give you any feedback.

Otherwise, reach out to your network for help, or better yet, contact me at

[email protected]. In my next post I will discuss more specific

actions that a reapplicant should take to achieve success the next time around.

David Johnston

Tags: 工管

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請問有今年要去UW Foster的同學嗎?

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2013-04-19T14:50
大家好, 我們是今年要去university of Washington Foster MBA program的學生, 想在這邊問看看還有沒有其他同學也是要去唸Foster的, 我們計劃先一起討論相關事情, 歡迎跟我們站內信聯絡唷 PTT ID: earthling tristankuan Verbal01 ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2013-04-18T12:41
andlt;Unconditional offerandgt; Cranfield + 小小獎 Cass andlt;Conditional offerandgt; Imperial (condition: GMAT 710) andlt;Backgroundandgt; GMAT: 610 IEL ...

Thunderbird Full-time MBA

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2013-04-18T02:56
Background Undergraduate NCCU BA in Risk Management and Insurance GMAT 650 TOEFL 96 GPA 3.5 WE Underwriter in Insurance company in TW 2+ yr Porcurem ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2013-04-17T16:34
迷思破除!前百大非名校MBA管顧生涯教戰文 前百大非名校MBA同班同學,雙雙進入management consulting管顧業 照樣做起管理顧問!全班唯二~ 一位於就學前即進行生涯管理 高度self-awareness致使選課時專注培養所需技能 實習選擇亦無猶豫 就業時真實興趣志向與MBA前一致 畢業聚焦 ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2013-04-17T13:25
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