INSEAD 面試經驗 - 工管

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2012-08-31T12:16

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我的 2013 年賣身契已經簽給洛桑了,所以 INSEAD 就放棄了

INSEAD Interview 1
(INSEAD interview sheet + resume provided, no essay material)
Location: Interviewer's office (Boston, USA)
Interviewer : Venture Capital, Partner (High Tech)

1. Tell me about yourself (up to your most recent position)
a. Ask many detail questions in every step of my career choices
(Why did you do this, and what did you think it effect you later
in your career蔮)
2. Why do you want an MBA, and why INSEAD
3. What do you think you want to change the pharmaceutical industry?
And how do you think to make it better.
4. The interviewer noticed my hobby and asked detail about it
(Fantasy baseball) ' also asked me if I attended the Sports
Management conference organized by Sloan.
5. The interviewer asked me about my professional course experience
in Sloan, and experience (in detail).
6. Questions for interviewer


Since the interviewer works for venture capital, he constantly reminded
me the difference of "dream" and reality. So while I was mentioning my
goals, the interviewer was kindly giving some of the feedback, and helped
me to realize what is practical and what is not. During the entire process,
not only the interviewer was able to carefully pay attention to all my
answers, but also giving out suggestions for my career goals.

I had sent him a thank you note and received a nice reply.

INSEAD Interview 2
(INSEAD interview sheet + resume provided, no essay material)

Interview location: weekend morning at a local coffee shop
~ 90 mins process

Interviewer: Female, Entrepreneur (Healthcare) (Boston, USA)

1. Tell me about yourself
2. Why do you want an MBA, why INSEAD
3. What would be your ideal job?
4. What is the biggest challenge you've faced
5. What is your strength? What is your weakness?
6. Hobby: interviewer noticed my hobby (films), and asked me
how did it affect me?
7. Questions for interviewer

The interview takes almost 90 minutes.

Thoughts: The interviewer liked that I did not send her entire package
of my application essays (apparently a lot of other of other interviewees
did). She like the way how I presented myself in person. She also gave
a lot of advice on the language qualification section (you need to speak
at least three languages in order to receive a degree from INSEAD).

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2012-09-03T05:48
剛剛收到錄取通知 雖然沒有要去,但是還是蠻開心的~~~


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2012-08-31T10:33
※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板 #1GFDY6oJ ] 作者: littlelay (小雷) 看板: studyabroad 標題: [情報] 一對一分享MBA的申請經驗 時間: Tue Aug 28 22:41:05 2012 哈囉~我是WORLDAGET-GMAT查榜機的作者Ray ...

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