JAFCO ASIA Recruitment-full time staff - 會計

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2016-01-28T10:23

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※ [本文轉錄自 Finance 看板 #1MgMeUzz ]

作者: tfn (可露莉白摩卡) 看板: Finance
標題: [徵才]JAFCO ASIA Recruitment-full time staff
時間: Thu Jan 28 09:08:43 2016

Position: Investment and Administration Assistant Manager (Full-time)
Location: Taipei
Educational Requirements:Bachelor’s Degree or above in finance, accounting
or business related major
Salary: Negotiable

1.Provide operational and administrative supports generally to the office,
which includes:
proactively manage calendars and prepare itineraries for team members’
trips/travel and events as needed; manage and coordinating meetings and
event logistics;
petty cash maintenance & office supplies procuring.

2.Supporting monthly/quarterly reports and financial forecast compiling.

3.Supporting investment team on collecting company data and researching

4.Ad hoc projects

1. 2+ years of experience in audit firm, financial industries, or stock
market related jobs.
2. Fluent English communication skill.
3. Detail-oriented team player with proactive working attitude and ability to
multi-task environment.
4. Japanese ability is a plus but not necessary.

Interested applicants please send your CV in English to
[email protected]

Tags: 會計

All Comments


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2016-01-27T20:27
問:甲公司於X1年11月1號出售一台機器給乙公司 該機器帳列成本$720,000。現金價為$929,736 乙公司於交易日當天支付現金$80000。餘款開立24張票據 自X1年12月1日起每月月初支付$40000。該票據之隱含利率為月息1% 試問甲公司X1年度因本筆 ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2016-01-27T16:17
您若有要買書的話, 參考今日博客來不限金額再9折活動。 但我不建議你買楊老師稅法7(因為要改版了) 不是稅法申報實務那本喔....別搞混 其餘就看你了...... 若有要需要版主幫忙訂購,就站內信給我吧。 金額要滿699才能折50元andlt;多組andgt;..... 滿1700折200元andlt; ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2016-01-27T16:10
首先先恭喜考上記帳士鄉民...... 您的辛苦終於開花結果了:) 雖然記帳士比會計師證書是有點不如, 但是你要想想代客記帳還是很多, 而且還有比你更年長人去應考。 千萬不要瞧不起記帳士這證書,有牌總比沒牌好喔!! 我也希望你能再考會計師證照....(若資格有符合的話) 之後你若收到考試院及格證書,要請領記 ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2016-01-27T13:42
在下是台中某國立科大會計資訊系 2013年的應屆畢業生 從沒想過有發心得文的一天 如有不妥. 煩請版主及各版友告知及包容 這次是第一次報考記帳士(自修) 之前完全沒報過國考及專技考試 畢業後 做過一陣子家鄉的超商(存錢往外發展) 之後試過半年記帳事務所 接著離職自修 那為什麼沒在學生時期考取呢? 因為 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2016-01-27T00:37
【前(ㄈㄟˋ)言】 因為版主說標題後面要接什麼都可以,我就 忍不住中二了。 不過對我來說,記帳士這個考試雖然不是呂 布級,但是也有張三爺的實力了。準備考試 這段時間,深受會計版版友的幫助,不厭其 煩水球為我解題,所以希望我小小一篇心得 文,也能夠給和我一樣半路出家的人一點幫 助。 我大學和研究所都念企管, ...