JAFCO ASIA Recruitment-full time staff - 會計

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2018-05-28T11:21

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※ [本文轉錄自 Finance 看板 #1R2roE82 ]

作者: tfn (可露莉白摩卡) 看板: Finance
標題: [徵才]JAFCO ASIA Recruitment-full time staff
時間: Mon May 28 09:34:03 2018
Company:JAFCO ASIA_Taiwan office
Position:Administration Assistant-Full Time

[Job Scope]
1. Secretarial work:
Daily itinerary confirmation/Rental Car arrangement/
Biz trip arrangement/Visitors'reception/
Post office mail delivery & office supplies purchase/
Files archiving/Petty cash management
2. Portfolio news collection & IPO information summary
3. Internal Reports preparation assistance
4. Fund operation assistance depending on the candidate's
capability and company's situation

1. Fresh graduating student with Bachelor's degrees in Accounting or
Business related major.
2. Multi-task worker under VC industry's dynamic circumstances is welcomed.
3. Fluency in spoken and written English is required.
4. Good team player with strong communication skill and detail-oriented

Monthly salary will be NT$35,000+ and bonus will be decided according to
candidate's capability.

Interested candidates please send your English and Chinese resume to
[email protected]

Tags: 會計

All Comments


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2018-05-27T21:39
【會計師題庫班 開課日andamp;影片介紹】 6/4 中會 鄭泓(鄭凱文)老師 即將開課!! https://reurl.cc/2ee9 5/7 成管會 徐錦華(黃美玲)老師 6/15 高 會 徐錦華(黃美玲)老師 7/3 審計學 羅智成(羅澤鈺)老師 https://reurl.cc ...


George avatar
By George
at 2018-05-27T15:19
各位會計大神們~ 如題 寫題目寫到快瘋了 有些實在是看不懂...... https://i.imgur.com/VMlP4Lg.jpg https://i.imgur.com/FJGcEtb.jpg https://i.imgur.com/2NhR7KI.jpg - ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2018-05-26T15:04
商品名稱:審計公報合訂版(106年9月) 商品價格:請站內信報價(含運) 新舊狀況:全新或二手希望書況良好 交易方式:全家或7-11店到店、郵寄掛號、(可議) 聯絡方式:請站內信 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...

林蕙真老師 成會中文書~

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2018-05-26T14:55
大家安安 想徵求林蕙真 成管會 第六版 新舊不拘! 麻煩站內信呦 可以在臺南面交或者郵寄~ 感謝! - ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2018-05-26T12:47
本文發於會計板,再轉錄證照板、專利板等 新的證照,做了一些資產評價的背景整理,也歡迎大家討論、交流感想 【考試名稱】無形資產評價師 初級能力鑑定 【發照機構】主辦單位:經濟部 iPAS 經濟部產業人才能力鑑定推動網 ...