Kieso中會Ch8一題存貨... - 會計

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-11-08T03:47

Table of Contents



The management of Tritt Company has asked its accounting department to
describe the effect upon the company's financial position and its income
statements of accounting for inventories on the LIFO rather than the FIFO
basis during 2010 and 2011.
The accounting department is to assume that the change to LIFO would
have been effective on January 1, 2010, and that the initial LIFO base would
have been the inventory value on December 31, 2009. Presented below are the
company's financial statements and other data for the years 2010 and 2011
when the FIFO method was employed.

Financial Position as of
12/31/09 12/31/10 12/31/11
-------- -------- ----------

Inventory $120,000 $140,000 $ 176,000
Other assets 160,000 170,000 200,000
Accounts receivables 80,000 100,000 120,000
Cash 90,000 130,000 154,000
-------- -------- ----------
Total assets $450,000 $540,000 $ 650,000
-------- -------- ----------
-------- -------- ----------
Share capital--ordinary $200,000 $200,000 $ 200,000
Retained earnings 140,000 200,000 260,000
Accounts payables 40,000 60,000 80,000
Other liabilities 70,000 80,000 110,000
-------- -------- ----------
Total equity and
liabilities $450,000 $540,000 $ 650,000
-------- -------- ----------
-------- -------- ----------

Income for Years Ended
12/31/10 12/31/11
-------- ----------
Sales $900,000 $1,350,000
-------- ----------
Less: Cost of goods sold 505,000 756,000
Other expenses 205,000 304,000
-------- ----------
710,000 1,060,000
-------- ----------
Income before income tax 190,000 290,000
Income tax (40%) 76,000 116,000
-------- ----------
Net income $114,000 $ 174,000
-------- ----------
-------- ----------

Other data:
1. Inventory on hand at December 31, 2009, consisted of 40,000 units
valued at $3.00 each.
2. Sales (all units sold at the same price in a given year):

2010--150,000 units @ $6.00 each
2011--180,000 units @ $7.50 each

3. Purchases (all units purchased at the same price in given year):

2010--150,000 units @ $3.50 each
2011--180,000 units @ $4.40 each

4. Income taxes at the effective rate of 40% are paid on December 31
each year.



Cost of Goods Sold and
Ending Inventory for the Year Ended 12/31/10 12/31/11
----------------------------------- -------- --------
Beginning inventory (40,000 * $3.00) $120,000 $120,000
Purchases (150,000 * $3.50) 525,000 792,000
-------- --------
Cost of goods available 645,000 912,000
Ending inventory (40,000 * $3.00) (120,000) (120,000)
-------- --------
Cost of goods sold $525,000 $792,000
-------- --------
-------- --------

($120,000)為基礎,那為什麼2010年的Ending inventory和2011年的Beginning/
Ending inventory都可以以$120,000下去算呢?


Tags: 會計

All Comments

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-11-08T05:30
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2011-11-09T11:49


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2011-11-07T19:58
因為想要自習審計學,爬過大家的po文 大家都很推薦金永勝老師的審計課程, 因為想要買函授來看, 函授似乎有分雲端函授跟cd函授 CD是只有聲音的課程, 請問審計是只需要聽聲音可以的嗎, 還是要配合畫面會比較好呢?? 因為價差2500,雲端函授似乎還有時效限制, 我怕在期間內看不完, 想請教一 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2011-11-07T17:42
如題 是宅配DVD函授 所以之後我會把收到的教材及DVD再轉寄給買家 如果是高雄地區的話可以面交 相關寄發時程表及資料都會一併附上 有意者在寫信給我議價或其他細節問題吧 - ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-11-07T17:02
課本p139 5.綠園公司成立五年來,均未請過會計師查帳。最近聘請你查核其x8年度之財務報表。 你發現該公司資產負債表上並無備抵壞帳科目,所有壞帳均是在帳款沖銷時才認列,已沖 銷之壞帳如再收回時,則貸記其他收入。公司之政策是在每年12月31日,將已經有3個月 均未收款之帳戶沖銷。分期付款銷貨契約規定付款期限 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-11-07T16:28
※ 引述《hiphop4ever (hiphop4ever)》之銘言: : [問題] 卡車成本$45,000,原來估計可用5年,殘值$4,500,以直線法提折舊,使用至 : 第4年初,將之交換一輛新卡車,新卡車之定價為$57,000,舊卡車之折抵金額 : 為$22,500,則新卡車 ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2011-11-07T13:17
想請問依下 審計原文一句 WHAT knowledge does the auditor need about the client`s business in an audit of historical financial statements? 想詢問一下 這句話大概意思為何? 謝謝:) - ...