Latitude代徵PWC Japan Associate - 會計

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2016-10-21T00:28

Table of Contents

Latitude People 株式会社
Address: 東京都港區南麻布4-12-25

Hiring Company: PWC Japan
Position: Associate (Consulting)

Job Summary and Responsibilities
(1)Finance Strategy/ Visioning
-Defining the Finance vision and baseline
-Risk and Finance alignment
-Finance TOM assessment and design (organization; processes; data;
-Roadmap and business case

(2)Enterprise Performance Management
-Designing management analytics/ reporting (MIS) to monitor business
-Automation of MIS reporting
-Planning, budgeting and forecasting solutions
-Costing/profitability management solutions (e.g., product/customer
profitability; Activity Based Costing)

(3)SmartClose/ Consolidation/ IFRS/ USGAAP
-Close process optimization
-Integrate accounting period in group companies and make the settlement
process more efficient
-Consolidation/close management solutions (e.g., Hyperion FCDM, SAP)
-IFRS impact assessment and transformation (organization; processes; data;

(4)Finance Operations
-Procure to Pay and strategic sourcing
-Finance SSC design and migration

(5)Digital Finance
-Smart software solutions to replicate finance processes done by humans (e.g.
UiPath, Blue Prism & Automation Anywhere)
-Cloud solutions for Finance

Basic Qualifications
✓ Bachelor's degree from top universities
✓ Fluent English and Japanese
✓ 2-3 years work experience in a global financial institution or big4
consulting firms
✓ Proficient in Excel, PowerPoint and Word

薪資(保證最低年薪):JPY 6-10mn
公司分紅與獎金: Negotiable

聯絡方式:[email protected]
或參加 10/22之工作說明會

Tags: 會計

All Comments


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2016-10-20T23:49
各位好~ 今天剛收到會計師的成績單 先恭喜順利上榜者 因為原PO本身今年已經考了第三年稅法 三年都沒有過 三年分數分別為 53(測34申19) 38(測32申6) 57(測34申23) 我發現自己抓題完全抓不到方向與重點 前兩年都考兼營營業人的稅額計算 連續兩年都沒抓到 今年特別準備結果沒 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2016-10-20T23:07
背景:大學經濟系,準備過高考財稅行政,所以有中會及稅法底子 第一年過: 國文、稅法、中會、高會 第二年過:三法、審計、成會 國文:測34 作文32 測驗題其實通常都是憑底子+運氣的,至於作文我準備高考時其實就有一套萬用開頭跟 萬用結尾(不管什麼題目都能套進去用),所以其實作文我大概只要自己掰個第 ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2016-10-20T23:01
問下 若有人國文考很高分,例如75以上, 你會想揍他嗎?? 哈哈 突然好奇想知道下。 謝謝 -- Albert Einstein: The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest. - ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2016-10-20T22:36
這一年我聽到最多的話就是: 國文還需要準備嗎? 作文就隨便唬爛寫個七頁就會很高分了阿~~ 諸如此類的,大家好像都把國文想得很簡單, 但對我來說國文他媽的就是個大罩門!!! 成績如下: 102年 103年 104年 105年 申 選 申 選 申 選 ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2016-10-20T22:18
網誌版 在去年通過美國會計師之後,回台灣申請抵免,於今年八月參加會計師考試, 非常幸運一次通過。比起那些一年準備七科全過的強者, 小妹一年過三科實在不足掛齒,但還是決定分享心得,幫助 ...