MBA Admissions Committees Focusing on Plagarism - 工管

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-05-27T21:59

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It has been reported recently that Penn State University has rejected
29 applicants for plagiarizing portions of essays submitted to the
Smeal College of Business MBA program. A number of the applicants had
copied language from an online essay and included it into the Smeal MBA
"principled leadership" essay.

Reports like this are likely to surface more often as MBA and other graduate
school programs, who appear to be very serous about detecting cheaters, will
now have advanced software available that can scan essays and personal
statements searching for plagiarized language. A company called iParadigms,
LLC is now offering plagiarism prevention software to graduate school programs
across the globe. Thus far, on Penn State University is the only school that
has publicly announced that it is using the iParadigms software, but it is
believed that this software is already being used by many MBA programs and
will be widely used in the near future.

As an admissions consultant, I often notice language in essays that has
been copied from published books of successful application essays and warn
my clients not to engage in this practice. Because of the advanced detection
software that will be widely used in the future, now more than ever it will
be important for applicants to create original essays that display their
unique experiences and characteristics in an interesting and persuasive way.


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UCR vs U of Denver

George avatar
By George
at 2011-05-27T15:44
候選校本來還有一間UNCC 但是在三校無顯著差異的情況只好先做淘汰 以下先列出觀察之後覺得兩校的優缺點(如有錯誤也請指教) UCR 優點: 聲望較好 知名度較高 P.S.今天行銷老師(UCLA Extension 當地人)一聽到立即就說就是它!她不認識Denver! 班級人數較少 氣候溫暖(沙漠) 實習為必 ...

歐洲名校獎學金 開放申請

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2011-05-26T11:17
50%的獎學金 100%的歐洲經驗! 歐洲名校獎學金最後名額開放申請 還在等待今年秋季進入歐洲知名MBA課程就讀的契機嗎? 現在就與我們連繫,以爭取比利時MBA名校Vlerick最後一輪入學許可,條件優異者更有 機會獲得優渥獎學金補助,(學校提供台灣區學生最高50%的學費補助,幫你省下14,250 歐 ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2011-05-26T02:17
除了平常玩遊戲,一直希望能讓我的iPhone成為一個學習工具, 但有鑑於學習性質的應用程式實在是太少,一直沒有找到適合的, 前陣子剛好在Business 類別看到 and#34; 林策略大師BSC十講 and#34; 好奇心驅使下我載了第一講來觀看,馬上被開頭的引言 and#34;太陽是公雞叫出來的?and# ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2011-05-25T12:23
各位好: 小妹是 GMAT 考生,相信不久的將來也會來這版取經。 相信大家都知道,GMAT 和 MBA 息息相關。目前 GMAT 版缺乏管理, 整個班資訊交流的功能有限。小妹希望能好好的來治理 GMAT 版, 讓考生能更有效率的解決考試,進一步申請到理想的 MBA 學校。 目前連署人數還是非常有限,希望各位 ...

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Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2011-05-25T02:57
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