MBA Essay Analysis - 工管

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2011-09-21T23:57

Table of Contents

The essay questions have been released…

Now what?

Where do you start? How do you answer? Youˆve only got 300 words to lay out
your entire professional history? What is the difference between career
vision and career goals? What is most important to you and why? How do you
approach each question…and not sound like everyone else?

Crafting MBA application essays is a daunting task. And weˆre here to help
you out. We canˆt answer the questions for you, but we can offer up
comprehensive analyses of the top schoolsˆ essay questions to guide you on
your way. From helping you understand exactly what those adcoms are asking
(and no, itˆs not always as straightforward as it seems) all the way to
breaking down the word counts so you can say everything you need to say, weˆ
ve dug in and laid it all out for ya.

Check out here :

Weˆre rolling out new essay analyses every day, so keep checking back. And
if youˆve got a question that we havenˆt answered for ya, feel free to
shoot us an email: [email protected]


Jon Frank
HBS 2005
Founder Precision Essay

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2011-09-26T13:38
Really enjoy and appreciate your sharing!


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2011-09-21T10:55
1. 關於你的Why MBA的第四點,這就不叫Why MBA了 念MBA是要花不少錢的,基本上比所有其他學位都貴個兩倍有餘。 如果真的是為了要從商考量, 有很多其他與商業有相關的master degree可供選擇。 (operation,logistic,IMC,etc.) 建立在同樣的背景/考試成績等條件之 ...

B-school Cheat Sheet

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-09-20T22:26
How much do you REALLY need to know about business schools before applying? Well, in some ways, you can never know too much. Who will ever fault you for be ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-09-19T20:42
各位板友你們好! MSF跟MBA的選擇應該很多人問過 我想請問的更仔細一點 謝謝大家的指教 請問Top 15 MSF 和 Top 15-30 MBA的比較 例如 UCLA MSF 和 Emory MBA 有沒有比較推薦哪一個 我的Career Path 是先去sell side 或是 consulting ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2011-09-19T20:41
小弟目前是前段國立大學EE畢業的,天性喜歡與人接觸,因此決定不想當RD 目前考慮想當科技業的sales、PM、FAE 想請問當sales、FAE申請會比較有優勢? - ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2011-09-19T00:12
想請問各位前輩: 雖然小弟是財務背景出身 但成為一位全方位管理人才一直是小弟20歲以來的夢想 加上想多看一些管理的case,所以想去管理顧問公司 但近日聽一位在管顧待過的朋友說 國內管顧並不是很能touch到客戶的心臟...可能也有點空虛 反之,國外管顧會學到比較紮實的東西 不過小弟覺得還是多聽 ...