MBA Essay Writing: Less is Often More - 工管

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2014-08-14T12:51

Table of Contents

Imagine that you are an admissions officer at a top university: you will need

to sift through endless application essays for the next several months. In the

beginning, you'll diligently read the essays attempting to understand each

writer's ideas. But after a while the sight of essays will make your eyes

will hurt and your brain will have trouble focusing - especially on essays

filled with long sentences, unnecessary words and modifiers and industry

jargon. Eventually you will start to skim bad essays and will miss the key

points in many of them.

Back to reality: you will apply to some top graduate school programs this year. Your background is good but not great, and the essays will be important for you to persuade the admissions officer that you belong in their elite program.

Everyone knows that the top graduate schools are looking to fill their

classrooms with the smartest, most talented people. With this in mind, many

applicants attempt to sound smart by using big words or complex thoughts in

their application essays. In our view, such essays will have the opposite

effect and decrease their chances of success.

With a tired admissions officer in mind, aim to write concise essays that

clearly deliver your message without necessary content or overly complex

statements. If you are an MBA applicant you might be aware that the essays are

becoming ever shorter, which makes concise writing an absolute necessity.

To maximize the reader's understanding, try to use short, powerful sentences

when possible. For example, which of the following statements can you more

quickly grasp?

-TOO WORDY: I have lived alone since I was 14 years old. In order to pursue
the best education possible and to learn how to cooperate with others and
solve problems independently, I moved away from home to complete my high
school education at the best school in California. (45 words)

-CONCISE: Moving away from home at the age of 14 to attend a better high
school made me a more independent person. (21 words)

Here is another example:

-TOO WORDY: For all intents and purposes, American industrial productivity
generally depends on certain factors that are really more psychological in
kind than of any given technological aspect. (26 words)

-CONCISE: American industrial productivity depends more on psychological than
on technological factors. (11 words)

We hope our point is clear - when writing essays, less is often more. When

you sit down to write the first draft of your essays we do not necessarily

recommend very concise writing. Sometimes it is important to first do a

'brain dump' just to get your key ideas on the paper. However, when editing

your essay drafts, look for ways to simply your statements. Doing so will not

only, a) make it easier for the reader to understand your ideas; but also,

b) help you squeeze more content into a tight word limit.

In our next post we will provide a few more specific tips on how to eliminate

unnecessary modifiers and jargon from application essays.



創陞教育(Transcend Admissions Consultants)

David Johnston
Georgetown University Law Center
[email protected] Plan. Execute. Succeed!

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Google trend on B-School:Does MBA still worth the pri

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2014-08-06T10:39
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※ 引述《merquise (大金至鋒)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《readygogo (哈)》之銘言: : : 感謝回覆 : : 其實當初沒有特別想什麼 : : 只是在找各個學校的差異 : : 還有一直在想有什麼替代選項 : : 畢竟三四百萬+兩年不是小數字 : : 想要找出最經濟效益的學校/方法 : : 感 ...

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※ 引述《readygogo (哈)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《merquise (大金至鋒)》之銘言: : 感謝回覆 : 其實當初沒有特別想什麼 : 只是在找各個學校的差異 : 還有一直在想有什麼替代選項 : 畢竟三四百萬+兩年不是小數字 : 想要找出最經濟效益的學校/方法 : 感謝提供幾篇文章讓我思考 : ...

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Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2014-08-04T20:21
※ 引述《merquise (大金至鋒)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《readygogo (哈)》之銘言: : : 又到了如火如荼的申請季節 : : 考試都到了後半段 : : 正在掙扎應該怎麼選學校 : : 哪個學校適合自己 : : 小弟一直想把念MBA的價值發揮到最大 : : 所以一直在想怎麼搜尋才最有效率 : ...