MBA Interview Tips - 工管

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2012-11-08T22:54

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5 Ways to Make a Terrible Impression on Your Interviewer

When you apply for an MBA program, an interview is one of the most important

parts of the entire process. Whether you are interviewing with an admissions

committee officer or an alumni interviewer - it's extremely important that

you make a good impression on them. In this post I will break down 5 things

that you can do to make a terrible impression on your interviewer so that you

know what to avoid when you're completing your own interview.

1. The Fish-Handshake

One of the first things you do when you meet your interviewer is to shake

their hand. Handshakes communicate confidence and the ability to lead and

command, and are an important opportunity to make a good first impression.

One of the best ways to make a terrible impression on your interviewer is to

use the "Fish-handshake." Shake their hand with a soft grip, a limp wrist,

and make them feel like they're picking up a raw fish when they shake your

hand. Using the "Fish-handshake" will ensure that they see you as

weak-spirited, and as lacking confidence.

2. Avoid Eye Contact

When you shake someone's hand, you also make eye contact with them. In order

to make a terrible impression on your interviewer, avoid direct eye contact

with them. For bonus points, shift your eyes all over the place throughout

the interview - this will make you seem nervous, insecure, and like you are

trying to hide something.

3. Constantly Interrupt

One of the worst things in the world is when you constantly interrupt your

interviewer with questions and statements. If you want to make your

interviewer feel angry and upset, be sure to interrupt what they're saying

every time you have a chance.

4. Tell them that they're school is not your top choice

Even if the school you're interviewing for isn't your top choice, your

interviewer should always genuinely feel that you are interested in their

institution, and would matriculate if admitted. To make a terrible impression

and ensure a poor recommendation - be sure to tell your interviewer that some

other school is at the very top of your priority list.

5. Show Up Late

Your interviewer's time is valuable and they are taking a break from their

own work, and life to meet with you because they care about their school. In

order to ensure you make a terrible impression on your interviewer - show up

late. This communicates that you don't value their time, and aren't excited

about the prospect of enrolling in their school.

These are five excellent ways to ensure you make a terrible impression on

your interviewer. I'll be talking about five ways to make an excellent

impression on your interviewer soon.

If you're interested in learning more about how to ace your interview, get in

touch with me, David, at [email protected].

Tags: 工管

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By Necoo
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