MBA Interview Tips - Good Impression - 工管

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2012-11-23T13:55

Table of Contents

A lot of applicants are gearing up for their Round 1 MBA interviews Good luck!

In my last article in PTT, I discussed ways in which applicants might make a

bad impression on their interviewer. This article will discuss the opposite -

how to make a stong impression!

When you apply for an MBA program, an interview is one of the most important

parts of the process. Whether you are interviewing with an admissions

committee officer or an alumni interviewer - it is extremely important that

you make a good impression on them. Here are five things you can do in your

interview to communicate confidence, leadership, and excellence to your


1. A Good, Strong Handshake

You really should use a strong, firm handshake to greet your interviewer. A

handshake communicates confidence, the ability to lead, and self-assurance.

Use a firm grip, not a death grip. Keep your wrist firm, but not locked like

a shotgun. Pump your hand 2 - 3 times, smile, and look into your interviewer

in the eyes while you shake their hand. Clasp their hand slightly when you

release the handshake, and say something like "it's wonderful to meet you,

thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me today!"

2. Direct, Assertive Eye Contact

You need to make direct, assertive eye contact with your interviewer when you

meet with them. Look straight into their eyes with an open smiling face, and

an open forehead. Don't stare into their eyes like you're looking into a

crystal ball. 3 - 5 seconds of direct eye contact when you shake their hand,

and direct eye contact intermittently spaced through the rest of your

interview are what's appropriate, and needed.

3. Get Your Interviewer Talking About Themselves

Match the interviewer's general demeanor and get them talking if you can. If

they talk enthusiastically and quickly, you should try to match their energy

and enthusiasm. If they are brief and professional, try to match their

professionalism and style in your own conversation. Everything they say and

the way in which they communicate is all information that you have at your

disposal to help make the interview go well. Get your interviewer talking

about themselves with questions like "Why did you decide to get involved with

interviewing prospective students?" And listen, listen, listen.

4. Ensure They Know How Excited You Are About their School

Your alumni interviewer is taking time out of their own life and work to meet

with you because they care about the community they represent. Even if this

isn't your top school, always communicate very specific information to your

interviewer about why you like the school they represent. Speak about the

location and all of the excellent opportunities that it affords you. They

have likely completed internships and jobs in the city your target school is

located in. They have explored all of the restaurants in the area with their

own friends, and biked and run through the streets in the surrounding town.

Talk about one specific, and widely known fact or story about your school

which excites you. Does your school have a great basketball team? Talk about

how you had your friends over to watch the game and you sang the fight song

at halftime.

Even if this school isn't your top choice, you want the interviewer to walk

away feeling like you will likely matriculate if given the opportunity. You

want your interviewer to be able to picture you in the school environment

which they are familiar with.

5. Early is On Time. On Time is Late.

This is a very self-explanatory point. Show up early to your interview in case

your interviewer is pressed for time. If you show up on time, or even five

minutes late - you are delaying a process which could have begun a few

minutes early. Even if your interviewer is late, be respectful of their time

and be there approximately fifteen minutes before you are scheduled to start.

This is a common sense courtesy to them for taking time out of their lives,

and it is always better for you to wait on them than for them to wait on you.

Also showing up early might give you more valuable time to interact with them.

There are many complex things which go into making an interview successful,

and these are just five of them. I could speak for hours about all of the

ways in which you can tweak your presentation and the stories you tell your

interviewer to make an outstanding impression on them, ensuring a good

recommendation. If you're interested in hearing more of the details and

learning more of the strategies you can use to optimize your chances for

success, reach out to me directly at [email protected].

David Johnston
[email protected]

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2012-11-27T13:45
good article, thanks for sharing!
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2012-12-01T13:01
Thank you for sharing!

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