MBA News You Can Use: B-School Doesnˆt Teach - 工管

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-10-18T15:12

Table of Contents

MBA News You Can Use: B-School Doesnˆt Teach You Everything
The world of graduate schools, employment, and opportunity is constantly
changing, which is why itˆs even more important for applicants and students
alike to be on top of all the latest news. We know youˆre busy, so weˆve
compiled a list of all the biggest and most relevant stories in the MBA world
this week to keep you informed and a few steps ahead of the competition.

The 5 Things in Business College Canˆt Teach You
A fancy (and pricey!) b-school degree and all that hard work will definitely
pay off in your future career, but there are some essential aspects of
business that you will never learn in a classroom.

55 Ways Young Entrepreneurs Can Cut Expenses
In this tough economy, Under 30 CEO offers 55 unique, easy, and (mostly) free
ways to beat the system and cut basic business expenses. The list covers
everything from blogging, to cloud software, to insurance plans.

The Top 30 MBA Programs in the World
Who does The Economist have at the top of their infamous list this year?
Where do your target schools rank? How much will your degree be worth?

College Students making Mark in Mobile Apps
Undergraduates, grad students, and young professionals have created thousands
of jobs/income opportunities, and helped to put millions of dollars back into
the economy by creating and developing mobile apps – an industry in which
they have absolutely no competition from the baby boomers. Who said the
Millennials are lazy?

Business Schools must be Wary of Short-Term Myopia
As business continues to be the most popular graduate program in the country,
b-schools need to start teaching not only the ways of business, but the ways
of the delicate free market, risky budgets, and the effects of the tough
economy. Agree or disagree?

International MBA Applicants have Unique Issues
Unlike American applicants who worry about GMAT scores and financial aid,
international students have a whoooole different set of questions and
concerns about the US b-school system. So…what are they contending with?

Hope these help my friends and keep in touch :)

Jon Frank
Founder PrecisionEssay

Tags: 工管

All Comments


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2011-10-13T12:03
因為在MBA session認識了一些目前在校的校友 如果把寫好的Essay請他們看看給意見 會不會不太好? 比方說 如果essay一開始沒有寫得很完善 就會給校友留下不好的印象 (因為我也不確定他們會不會跟adcom互通有無....orz) - ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2011-10-11T18:50
目前正在著手幫家裡蓋新房子,建坪約150坪,配合周邊約1200坪 而蓋房子有兩種option,一個是請營造廠發包找工人,幫你處理好 各種事情(板模、鋼筋、水電、泥水、.....)。 另一個就是完全自己發包,自己找工人,安排各種工人的時程與原物料 的採購(身邊有幾位好友已經有蓋過房子而協助我蠻多細節的) ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2011-10-10T20:35
很小的問題 但困擾蠻久的 就是在填學校申請表(甚至是求職) 通常會被問到and#34;年薪and#34; (annual salary) 應該要填談好的package (含年終, 獎金etc.) 還是要填實際上拿到的薪水? 如果這份工作最後只做了10個月之類的 可以填原先談好的package嗎? 還是要寫 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-10-10T19:59
請問各位畢業or正在申請的網友,若已經有博士學位及7年產業工作經驗, 會對於申請MBA有比較好的優勢嗎? 感謝回答 - ...

較適合Health care產業的MBA

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-10-10T15:11
想請問各位 在歐洲或亞洲有哪些學校的MBA其校友或是學校本身 (目前考慮一年的program) 畢業之後很多前往Health care產業(Pharma/ Biotech/Diagnosis)工作呢 因為本身還是希望可以留在相關的產業 或是有沒有可能做health care industry的con ...