MBA or CS - 工管

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2013-03-05T16:11

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Hi, Perodies,

The point is not about MBA or CS, but why finance after an engineering career? Is there something in common or transferable? Or other possibilities with higher relevance?

These two paths do have something in common--logic, analyticals, quantitatives, economic
trends and market expectations.

However, it's a huge risk to transfer to this totally different field, especially through an expensive degree. Meanwhile, unless you can illustrate a concrete transition plan with proofs, or it's almost impossible to get in a decent MBA in finance, not to mention getting in PE or hedge funds. You need some commitment first.

Obviously, you're not interested in engineering. However, why finance? It's impossible to come out from nowhere. There must be some signs in your life leading you toward a finance dream, or other possibilities. They're called "enjoyable skills". Find them, they should be in your daily life. Yet they might have other combinations, with different career possibiilties.

The best way is to break down your daily life into pieces, and find out your "enjoyable skills" piece by piece, and then combine them with your unique personality into a new career path.

I once helped a case who majored in language and worked in IT supply chain, to successfully transfered to a Luxury Management career. Graduated from HEC MBA in Luxury Management, taught by LV's ex-CEO, interned at HUGO BOSS Franch HQ, and later worked in LV Shanghai as a manager. The case succeeded because she passionately investigated all luxury products with 400-page clips, and knew everything about LV, Gucci, Prada, Jaeger-LeCoultre, TAG Heuer, Hermes, etc., including prices, limited editions, color
and material differences, manufacturing countries, global branch locations, designers, trends, etc.

Whenever you want to transfer to a new career, you need to find out your passion with feasible plans, and devote yourself to "earn" resources later.

Try to find out the "enjoyable things" in your life, and observe all possibilities as a real career.

David Lee

: 不知道這篇剖在這裡是不適合,若版主覺得不適合請通知我。我會刪掉,謝謝
: 因為我不是商科背景,問的問題可能有點蠢,請大家多包涵^^
: 我本身是EE背景,有台灣的工作經驗
: 目前想要轉換跑道到金融業,因為沒有相關背景
: 所以計劃再拿個碩士,希望畢業後能投入私募基金或是避險基金工作(不排斥在美國
: 或是香港新加坡找工作)
: 要是希望畢業後能從事該產業的話,哪個MS會比較適合呢?
: 1. 拿個MBA,修課偏向財務
: 2. 拿CS,但是修課要偏向哪方向,我就不是很了解了
: 因為準備英文的方向很不同,MBA要準備gmat 但是CS要準備GRE
: 所以在這邊佔版請教大家
: 謝謝~

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2013-03-09T02:49
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2013-03-13T17:33
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2013-03-13T23:33
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2013-03-15T05:23
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2013-03-16T23:54
話歡迎來了解生涯選擇邏輯囉!Sincerely, David 李


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2013-03-04T00:51
andlt;面試andgt; 總共丟了四家,得到三家的面試邀請~~ 第一家是Kellogg,Kellogg基本上是每個申請者都會面試, 我投的是dual-degree MMM的prorgram,面試官是在台灣的校友,在艾美1樓的咖啡廳; 第二家是ESADE,面試官是adcom的Mary,面試地點在Mary遠 ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-03-03T23:50
andlt;選校andgt; MBA畢竟是筆不小的花費,如果只是把各大排名的清單看一輪, 挑幾個看順眼的學校列出dream school和safe school 的清單, 開心錄取了也入學之後才發現和自己想像的大不相同,是非常可惜的...... 我想這可能是非常台灣教育下的遺毒,跟我們當初大學聯考依照分數排 ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2013-03-03T23:40
andlt;Applicationandgt; Kellogg dual-degree MMM program(w/interview), Haas(w/o interview), IESE ESADE andlt;Admi ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-03-03T16:20
不知道這篇剖在這裡是不適合,若版主覺得不適合請通知我。我會刪掉,謝謝 因為我不是商科背景,問的問題可能有點蠢,請大家多包涵^^ 我本身是EE背景,有台灣的工作經驗 目前想要轉換跑道到金融業,因為沒有相關背景 所以計劃再拿個碩士,希望畢業後能投入私募基金或是避險基金工作(不排斥在美國 或是香港新加坡找 ...

顧問服務- AKAD

Una avatar
By Una
at 2013-03-02T00:02
為了擊破誠如前人所提諸般虛虛實實假假真真的網路謠言 我也來分享一下留學顧問的合作心得 供未來的MBA申請者參考 :D NTU IB GPA 3.1 (major 3.4) GMAT 740 (Q48 V44) TOEFL 112 W/E 4yr 金融業 有參與創業經驗 我是2012年6月考完試之後開始和顧 ...