MBA版自介(zacchen) - 工管

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2011-05-15T13:35

Table of Contents

1. ID: zacchen

2. Current Status: NYU Stern Class of 2011

3. Schools Applied: NYU Stern

4. Pre-MBA Work Experience: 1.5 years production engineer
1.5 years project analyst

5. Post-MBA Work Experience: considering career change

6. GMAT : 720
TOEFL: waived
GPA: 3.98 @ Arizona State University BS in Finance

7. What information you are interested to know in this board?

8. Others:
從開版潛水到現在,邊工作邊上課真的太操了,Part-time MBA會讓人學會利用時間

Tags: 工管

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U of Minnesota(明尼蘇達) 房間出租

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2011-05-15T12:24
Hello, 我是馬可,MN 上班族,目前和Miso(犬子一枚) 住在midtown的Condo... 租約屆時會在Janand#39;12到期 由於女友即將搬遷至CA...所以有一個空房間可出租 希望能徵求女性室友 why: Miso 喜歡女生, 而且我女友三不五時會回MN, 男室友比較不方便 addre ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2011-05-13T22:40
簡介: 114理工科系畢 兩年engineer,兩年IT industry sales postion Final position : Sales Supervisor, lead 3 people G andamp; T andamp; G ...

Case Western Reserve University Phone Interview

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-05-13T21:59
Case Western Reserve University Weatherhead MBA phone interview 5/13 9:00pm-9:30pm 以下是問題: 1.walk me through your work and why MBA now? 2.What is your sho ...

Master in Global Finance Info Sessio …

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-05-12T23:56
歡迎有興趣的朋友明天下午可以去君悅飯店參加information session, 現場會有上課的講義資料教材可以供參考,還有專人講解說明。 我把這個program的中文介紹貼上來給大家做參考: HKUST andamp; NYU Master of Science in Global Finance ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-05-11T13:55
申請MBA並不是在比誰的背景比較特別, 而是看不管特別或是稀鬆平常經驗之中, 你學到了甚麼獨特的見解跟經驗. 我這幾個月之中見了不少未來的同學, 認識他們背景之 後更確認了在MBA的申請過程之中, 沒有人的背景是特別的.(因為特別的太多太多了) 我覺得與其專著於你的and#34;特殊and#34;背景, 你 ...