MIP諾貝爾和平獎得主Dr. Clark演講 - 工管

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2011-12-02T13:49

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MIP Presentation by Nobel Peace Prize co-recipient, Dr. Woodrow Clark

Be the Master of Yourself

Presentation by Nobel Peace Prize co-recipient, Dr. Woodrow Clark

On the 21st November, MIP Politecnico di Milano hosted the presentation: The Nex
t Economics: toward sustainable communities through academic education, given by
Dr. Woodrow Clark, co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his co-authors
hip and co-editorship for Third Report by the United Nations Intergovernmental P
anel on Climate Change (IPCC).

To download the presentation please click here.http://www.mip.polimi.it/mip/en/g

NB. It is necessary to register on the MIP website first if you have not already
done so. Once you have created a profile, you will be able to use this to access
other materials such as past presentations and program brochures.

The video of the presentation is also available on Youtube (in 3 parts): click h
ere to access.
See our Facebook page for photos: click here.http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?

MIP Politecnico di Milano International MBA
Next Program Intake: May 2012
Final Deadline: January 15th 2012

Would you like more information?
Meet with us in person.http://www.mip.polimi.it/mip/en/MBA/full-time/events.html
Contact admissions <[email protected]> to organize an orientation session.
Participate in our interactive Online Presentation.http://www.mip.polimi.it/mip/


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Kellogg Ambassador Event

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-11-29T15:40
各位對Kellogg有興趣的申請者, 此次活動的場地容納人數有限, 我們從Admission Office處得知報名相當踴躍 學校僅依報名人數提供學校及program介紹等書面資料 若您尚未上網報名, 請盡速利用下方連結登記報名 謝謝配合也預祝所有申請者申請順利! ※ 引述《bensonn (超級忙 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2011-11-27T23:59
請問各位一個問題 前陣子我申請了我各個學校的application account 我忘記在什麼步驟裡會看到詢問申請者是否要waive掉看到推薦信的選項 當初沒想它是什麼意思 沒有選擇waive 最近剛好看到一些討論 發現原來一定要選擇waive!! 因為我都還沒開始填寫資料 包括申請信也還沒發送 ...

日本 TOP 商學院 Globis MBA 台北說明會

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2011-11-25T18:38
Globis University位於世界最大的都會地區-日本東京,也是目前日本最大的商學院之一。 2009,10年皆為Nikkei Career Magazine獲選日本第一商學院。每年有上千位日本人就讀該 校的part-time MBA課程. 創辦人Yoshito Hori 是日本商界名人 除了創辦Glo ...

請問在interview前的phone conversation

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-11-23T01:08
請問如果學校說要安排一個15分鐘的phone conversation 以決定是否要邀請你來interview 用意是什麼啊? 是因為對我的資格有疑問嗎? 還是這等於就是變相的面試了? 我不知道對這15分鐘的and#34;conversationand#34; 我是否要準備 why MBA? why sch ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-11-23T01:08
各位前輩們好 想請教一些疑問 我本身是CS背景(BS) 原本對於mba的認識只限於出來機乎就是走投銀 顧問等 大概就是走金融財經那一塊,後來今天去問了代辦才知道原來mba也有跟科技有關的 因為我本身對於資工領域的Coding不是很在行,未來也沒有做工程師的打算 但還是希望未來工作能跟資訊 科技領域有點關連 考 ...