New score preview feature - 工管

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2014-06-26T09:46

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Dear Test Prep Company,

GMAC is happy to announce a new feature to the GMAT®
exam that will benefit test takers. Effective June 27,
all test takers will now be able to view their unofficial GMAT scores
prior to making a decision to accept or cancel them,
giving them more certainty and control of how their application and
GMAT scores are received by schools. GMAC is dedicated to promoting
the value of graduate management education and make it easier to
take the GMAT and connect with schools.

Here’s how it works:

If a test taker accepts their scores, the official report will be
sent to the schools they selected.

If a test taker cancels their scores, the test attempt will appear
on future score reports with a code of “C”(self-canceled),
unless the test taker reinstates the scores within 60 days.


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By Isla
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