NYU launches program at Shanghai campus - 工管

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2012-05-02T11:57

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Stern School of Business Launches First Degree Program at NYU' Shanghai

The Stern School of Business has launched a new Master of Science in Business
Analytics to be offered in Shanghai and at the school's New York City campus
beginning in May 2013. The new program will be NYU's first to award degrees in
China from its new facilities now under construction in Pudong.

The new MS is Business Analytics, targeting executives in a range of
industries, also will be the first of its kind offered by a leading business
school. It represents a new crossroads between business and technology and is
designed to help graduates leverage data as a strategic business asset and
decision-making tool, the school reports.

"As the explosive growth of data fuels new business models and transforms
the way business decisions are made, NYU Stern is leveraging its deep faculty
expertise in quantitative methods, and the strength of its Information
Systems, Operations and Management Sciences (IOMS) and Marketing departments,
to offer this new MS in Business Analytics,” Peter Henry, NYU Stern dean,
said in a statement. “Our newest degree contributes to the foundation NYU is
building in Shanghai as the first American university with independent legal
status approved by the Ministry of Education.”

The new program will be taught at NYU Stern's Greenwich Village campus and
at the NYU campus in downtown Shanghai and will draw faculty from NYU Stern's
IOMS and marketing departments. Designed for executives with at least 10
years of experience in such areas as manufacturing, technology, government,
health care, energy, real estate and construction, the MS in Business
Analytics will be taught in five modules spanning one year.

NYU Stern expects the program to appeal in particular to English-speaking
Chinese executives and expatriates working in China, though its modular
scheduling and English-language instruction are designed to suit executives
from around the globe. Prospective applicants should have college or
equivalent degrees with strong quantitative backgrounds.

"I think this is a program with wide applicability," Dean Henry told the
Financial Times. "We need a new mindset for the twenty-first century," he
added. "There's a surfeit of data in the world and data without a framework
is just noise. If you are going to use data in business you need to take a
multidisciplinary approach."

The NYU Shanghai campus is scheduled to open in 2013 and the MS in Business
Analytics will launch in May that year, the school reports.

Kevin Chen
[email protected]

Tags: 工管

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