On-line LIVE Mock Interview with Jon Frank - 工管

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2011-08-18T04:16

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When it comes to MBA admissions, the application is only half of the battle.
Once you submit that sucker, wash your hands of it and move on to everything
youˆve been neglecting in your life for the past 2 months (like your laundry
…), youˆve still got one more hurdle to think about:

The interview.

Sure, itˆs only an hour out of your life, but it takes time to prepare for
these badboys adequately. Youˆve got to know your story backwards and
forwards, and know how to apply it to whatever your interviewer may ask. Youˆ
ve got to anticipate the questions and be ready with answers. Youˆve even
gotta know what to say when they ask you a question that you havenˆt

And weˆre going to help you do just that.

On Thursday, August 18th at 9pm EST, Jon Frank, Harvard MBA and founder of
Precision Essay, is going to hold a mock interview LIVE just for our friends
at GMAT Club.

And thatˆs not all. The lucky GMAT Club member who signs up to be the mock
interviewee will ALSO get a free one-hour session with Jon Frank afterward to
perfect their skills even more! Thatˆs a value of $400. Jon will ask the
questions, youˆll answer them….and weˆll all learn the doˆs and donˆts
of the MBA Admission Interview. Jon has done thousands of MBA interviews—
both as he was applying to HBS and Stanford (where he got in) and since
founding Precision Essay.

Following the interview, Jon will stick around for a Q&A session, giving
everyone a chance to chime in and…ask some questions.

If youˆre interested in being the interviewee, send us an email:
[email protected]. Weˆll notify the lucky person on August 15, 2011.

And if youˆre interested in just tuning in and learning a thing or two (or
20) about the interview process, you can register here:


Note: Only the first 100 people to sign in to the Live Mock Interview will be
able to join, so make sure to get there early!

Already got some questions about the interview? Interview tactics you want to
know? Tips and tricks youˆre dying to learn? Share them below and weˆll
make sure Jon covers them during this one-time event.

Jon Frank
HBS 2005
Founder Precision Essay

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2011-08-19T12:35
thanks Jon, it is really helpful. Would you mind sharing
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2011-08-23T15:20
with us that any preparation before this interview? or
just relax and have fun ha?
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-08-26T07:44
So the live event will be at 9-10AM on Friday Aug.19
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-08-26T15:05
local time in Taipei. Thanks, Jon & see you then. =)


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-08-15T01:00
時間: 8月27日 · 14:30 - 16:30 地點: d.cafe (www.facebook.com/d.cafe.tw) 台北市金華街187號(政大公企中心西樓,從捷運古亭站5號出口走路約8分鐘) 召集人: 沒人敢告訴你的MBA大揭密 : 一個MBA的犀利告白 --------- ...

Uni. of Michigan Ross MBA 說明會

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-08-13T23:06
※ 引述《cheesemouse (cheesemouse)》之銘言: : University of Michigan Ross MBA 說明會 : : 全美排名第12, 世界排名24的Ross MBA即將來台舉辦招生說明會 : : 時間:2011年8月13日 下午5:00 – 6:30 : : 地點:台北 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-08-12T00:24
之前在我的blog上寫了這篇,其實是要報答代辦幫他寫的一點心得文, 爬了一下MBA版發現有關代辦的討論主要是講專業的MBA代辦, 但我因為自身需求和對代辦的期待不同,便找了只作文件編譯的代辦, 其實就是一般的留遊學中心,幫忙申請者作的就是一切行政事務,當一個秘書的角色, 也許有些版友也會適用這樣的服務,所以貼 ...

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Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2011-08-11T22:47
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By Wallis
at 2011-08-11T09:38
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