Preparing for the MBA Interview - 工管

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-11-01T23:12

Table of Contents

Round one deadlines have come and gone and that means one thing: itˆs
interview time. Harvard, Wharton, Tuck…every day another MBA program issues
interview invitations. Get one? Congratulations! Go ahead and do a little
dance. Jump around the room. Pat yourself on the back. Thatˆs a BIG

…and then, start preparing.

Yes, the MBA interview brings you one step closer to that coveted seat in
your target program, but itˆs not a guarantee. Itˆs part of the selection
process, and a very important one at that. The interview is your chance to
come off the paper and show the admissions committee who you are as a real,
living, breathing human being. Thatˆs who they are accepting, after all.

Thereˆs a lot you can do right and even more you can do wrong in your
interview, and, well, youˆll definitely want to know which is which. So we
asked our consultants to share their best advice for interview prep. Hereˆs
what they had to say:

The best way to prepare for an MBA interview is to PRACTICE!!! There are a
lot of questions that are pretty standard in an MBA interview and are also
very common to many schools. It surprises me when I ask a candidate, ¨so
why are you interested in coming to Wharton?〃 or 〃What would you say is
your biggest weakness? and the person really struggles to answer. Granted, I
ˆve heard about situations where candidates were asked really off-the-wall
questions like ¨If you were a cereal brand, what would you be?〃 but those
are the exception. Talk to friends and family that have been through an MBA
interview or do a search online for the most commonly asked questions. Then
take the time to write out or fully think out how you would answer it. On
the day of the interview, you will be nervous and you may not say everything
you prepared, but can you imagine what you would say or not say if you didnˆ
t even practice?

One word … visualization. Close your eyes and imagine walking into the
interviewerˆs office, shaking hands with the guy or gal and then getting
into the interview proper. You are confident, natural, and prepared. Imagine
the questions being posed to you, and imagine you answering those questions.

Do this visualization several times, each time with a different set of
questions, and youˆll be more than ready.

Donˆt ¨over-prepare.〃 Remember that an interview is dynamic. Itˆs a
conversation. There are no ¨right〃 or ¨wrong〃 answers, only the message
you want to deliver, and your ability to communicate it effectively.
Memorizing answers is usually a poor idea, because you do not involve the
interviewer. Instead, get a clear vision of your goals and your message, and
think about how you can communicate it in the most clear and effective
manner. At that point, it doesnˆt matter what the interviewer asks you…

Speak to some alums if possible. Research extracurricular activities to come
up with good questions about student life to ask the interviewer.

You need to be comfortable with who you are and your story. Itˆs surprising
how quick someone will stutter over themselves when asked questions like: ¨
Tell me about yourself,〃 ¨Walk me through your resume,〃 and ¨Where do you
see yourself professionally in a few years?〃 The fact of the matter is, weˆ
re not conditioned to talk about ourselves in this manner or in this context
and stuttering with ¨umms〃 and ¨ahhhs〃 is not going to impress the

You need to feel comfortable in your own skin and a good way to practice is
to conduct mock interviews with some friends. Focus on topics centered on
talking about yourself, your accomplishments, and your background. Since weˆ
re on this topic, take this advice from a seasoned actor – DONˆT USE A
SCRIPT! Even though many B-School questions that ask you to talk about
yourself are similar, many are just different enough to trip you up if youˆ
re trying to follow a script. Any change in the wording of the question or a
tangent will send you off your script, making those ¯ummsˆ and ¯ahhhsˆ
come out in spades. So, when youˆre preparing, jot down some bullet points
of the aspects you want to hit on and just practice, practice, practice.

Practice Practice Practice! Practice your answers to the most common
questions until you can answer them in your sleep. Then forget about them and
answer the questions as yourself. Youˆll always have your practiced answers
to fall back on.

For an interviewer, one of the most annoying thing is when the interviewee
uses his 30 minutes as a race to pack in as many life experiences as possible
without taking even a breather. Not only will your interviewer lose track of
whatˆs going on, but worse, he/she is bound to TURN OFF.

Uh oh….

Remember your interviewer has probably spoken with dozens of candidates
before you and is going to speak with dozens more after you. Make it EASYYYY
on them. Remember to speak slowly, naturally, and enunciate. And donˆt
forget itˆs also a dialogue; donˆt hog all the time for yourself . Now,
even if you canˆt get to that amazing story of how you successfully baked
chocolate ice cream under a hairdryer inside of your grandmotherˆs kitchen
cupboard, itˆs okayyyy.

Get more interview tips and tricks right here.:

Jon Frank
Founder Precision Essay

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-11-03T17:49
thanks :)

請問Kellogg 面試邀請發了嗎?

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-10-30T20:11
我也看到很多對岸同胞都拿到了。 不知道台灣有多少戰友會來看mba版咧? 我也申請R1目前也是沒消沒息。 有拿到邀請的人願意分享一下嘛? 我有看到gmatclub上有人說,基本上Kellogg只要有丟R1就會有invitation或waiver。 ※ 引述《Yumeine (看向未來)》之銘言: : 如題~ ...

The MBA Dual Degree – So Hot Right Now

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-10-30T15:42
Earning an MBA is a nearly foolproof way to ensure future success, but with the global economy taking a major beating, the job market is more competitive t ...

Kellogg CBC Admission Liaison

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2011-10-30T15:41
各位有志申請Kellogg的朋友們 我是今年Kellogg一年級的台灣學生 Benson 這個ID是代表Kellogg Chinese Business Club, 2013 Admission Liaison 主要目的在於協助申請Kellogg的同學對學校有進一步的認識 如果各位對於學校生活 資源 ...

請問Kellogg 面試邀請發了嗎?

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2011-10-28T22:37
如題~ 看到很多大陸人似乎都拿到通知了 我送出去也二個禮拜了…status還是寫還在確認資料有沒有送齊… 好緊張喔 有台灣人拿到了嗎? - ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2011-10-27T00:07
想請問一下如果沒有工作經驗的話 是不是希望渺茫? 另外 工作的公司規模大小以及產業別會有差別嗎? - ...