Re: Ask Jon Frank at PTT - 工管

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2011-07-03T14:31

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Hi Jon,

Thank you for the insight! You are addressing one of my biggest concerns.

But I have another question:

If you get admitted in the safe schools but ding'ed by the stretch ones

in Round 1, and there are a few other good schools in Round2 that you

haven't applied yet, is it ok to wait till the Round2 result is published

before confirming to the safe schools in Round1? Or how to handle this?

(assuming that the Round2 schools are better than the safe schools.)

※ 引述《jonfrank (Precision Essay)》之銘言:
: Okay gang. Today, I want to shake things up a bit. Keep things interesting,
: if we can.
: Let's talk about savvy Round 1 strategy.
: As we all know, there is a slight advantage associated with applying during
: Round 1. in light of this, many applicants fall into a somewhat common trap:
: they apply to all their favorite schools first. They batch all their top
: programs in Round One. After all, we are more likely to get in! : )
: This is a bad idea, gang. Why? Well...let's get into it.
: First of all, your first submitted app will NOT be your best. I dont care
: how hard you try, or how much you trust your consultant. You will get better
: as you go, I assure you.
: Secondly, it is just such a risky proposition. Instead, we would prefer that
: you take advantage of Round 1 by applying to some SAFER schools during Round
: 1 as well. That way, you are that much more likely to get in! We like
: options, and we like actions that mitigate our risk.
: That is why we recommend that applicants apply to a good mix of programs
: during Round 1--both stretch programs, and safer ones. Be smart gang, and
: mitigate your risk.
: Hope this makes sense, my friends. And keep in touch.
: Jon Frank
: Co-Founder, Precision

Tags: 工管

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