Re: 可以推薦一本債券市場的教科書嗎? - 金融分析師

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2005-04-14T18:54

Table of Contents

: : 希望是中文的說
: : 這算是是貨幣銀行學嗎?
: : 還是利率市場呢?
: 我幫我老闆打一下廣告好了...


Pricing and hedging interest & credit risk sensitive instruments

Frank Skinner

This book is tightly focused on the pricing and hedging of
fixed income securities and their derivatives. It is targeted at
those who are interested in trading these instruments in an investment bank,
but is also useful for those responsible for monitoring compliance
of the traders such as regulators, back office staff, middle
and senior lever managers. To broaden its appeal, this book lowers
the barriers to learning by keeping math to a minimum and
by illustrating concepts through detailed numerical
examples using Excel workbooks/spreadsheets on a CD with the book.
On the accompanying CD with the book, three interest rate models
are illustrated: Ho and Lee, constant volatility and Black Derman and Toy,
along with two evolutionary models, Vasicek and CIR and two credit risk
models, Jarrow and Turnbull and Duffie and Singleton.
These are implemented via spreadsheets on the CD.


All Comments


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2005-04-14T11:01
※ 引述《ianchang (Iand#39;m old Fashioned)》之銘言: : 感謝mk2的指教,我想說的是: : 1.我沒有背景。 : 2.如果我的同事學歷和背景優於同業,代表敝公司的人力素質出色。 : 3.據我了解敝公司內控尚佳,去年一連串地雷股敝公司幾未受傷,而需知 : 敝公司投資公司 ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2005-04-13T16:58
※ 引述《kristayang (krista)》之銘言: : 那請教一個問題 對於非科班的學生 : 想要學c++ 有沒有推薦的書或是補習班之類的呢 : 謝謝 完全沒寫過程式的話, H.M.Deitelandamp;P.J.Deitel合寫的C++:How to program (俗稱蚱蜢書)是不錯的入門選 ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2005-04-13T09:17
不喜歡上課,所以不清楚補習班. 不喜歡買電腦語言的書,所以能借就用借的, 或是在店裡站著看書的,書大概沒差多少,書名不會去記. 常選看起來直覺順眼的就是了. 到後來,就少看書了.像java是自修,在網路上有許多tutorial. run程式時用menu等等的help來查那種語言指令的寫法. 建議先修C.而 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2005-04-12T23:49
那請教一個問題 對於非科班的學生 想要學c++ 有沒有推薦的書或是補習班之類的呢 謝謝 ※ 引述《wasitango (愛麗絲學園)》之銘言: : 每一種程式語言都有優缺點,也有適合的方面. : 就像人一樣.有的人會唱歌.有的人會畫畫.有的人很會種花,等等之類的. : 但每個人都是一樣的生物體,會有共通的部 ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2005-04-12T09:46
每一種程式語言都有優缺點,也有適合的方面. 就像人一樣.有的人會唱歌.有的人會畫畫.有的人很會種花,等等之類的. 但每個人都是一樣的生物體,會有共通的部份. 所以全世界的醫生看病人,不管什麼人種都是人,一樣可以看病. 不同電腦語言的邏輯與思考大多有同似性. 科班的大多會先學C,系統程式會用到,演算法大多發表 ...