Re: 英文自傳求批 - 職場

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2019-07-09T00:00

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※ 引述《sz06060817 (rose)》之銘言:
My name is XXX. I'm currently at my third year at National Chiayi University.
Majored in Marketing and Tourism Management, I have a strong passion for social
media marketing.
I am a strongly people-oriented person.
I'm the coordinator of the Treasure Love Community, responsible for the
planning and execution of its events; I was put in charge of organinzing the
anual freshmen welcoming party and since I took the lead, we've successfully
doubled our team members.
: I served as a public relations role experience in writing and writing a c
: opy. I have an idea on planning a copy.

Yet, despite my hectic school schedule, I also managed to participate in
several extracurricular activities including Foxconn's intership program for
94 student interns where we helped promote Asia Pacific Telecom and computers,
volunteering for the school dormitory, and working as a teaching assistant at
an English Institution.
I've learned a lot of interpersonal and time management skills through these
experiences and I'm willing to advance these skills in practice.
As for my passion for social media marketing, I regularly write product reviews
for UrCosme and My reviews on Instagram often receive lots of "loves".
I've won 得獎名次 in the 2018 Green Tourism Tour Planning and Design
Competition with my consumer attracting design concept.
I tried to practice English by listening to English broadcasts and scored 725
on TOEIC in 20xx.

While I am looking for a full time summer-internship, I will also be available
to continue working on a part-time basis in the next semester.
I will be more than happy to further discuss with you about my future schedule
for working as a part-timer at your company.
Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to discussing with you soon.
: 可以請大家幫我看看,並給予我建議嗎?謝謝

1. 裡面有些東西是我自己揣測亂加的
2. 可以想一下文章結構的問題,才不會導致一直都是以I am, I have開頭
3. 類似的經驗跟事蹟最好放在一起寫,並加入引言或總結
4. 如果不限字數,就把細節寫出來,例如得獎的設計理念是什麼,去鴻海實習做了什麼


Tags: 職場

All Comments

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2019-07-12T22:26
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2019-07-15T23:35
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2019-07-19T14:41
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2019-07-24T05:15


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2019-07-08T15:12
做任何事都是有竅門的 就像登山一樣 最終都能爬上山頂 有的人做車到半山腰開始爬 有的人劈荊斬棘 挑戰困難的道路 有的人跟著前人的腳步 選擇相對安逸路線 山頂上是你想要的生活 困難的道路則是文組選擇的道路 只有菁英中的菁英 才有辨法從這條路登頂 很多人是卡在半山腰,回頭等同放棄這些年的努力 但 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2019-07-08T07:36
更: 謝謝回覆的大家,不管推或噓你們的建議我都有仔細看。 最快兩個月後才會回職場,這段時間我會好好想想網友的建議,再次謝謝大家~~希望各位 在工作職場上都能順利^^ 大家早,我在前公司認職五年半後離職到現在四年了,現在考慮要重新回前公司上班,公 司人資說年資要重新計算。 心理有點不平衡,因為離職前公司有 ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2019-07-08T07:13
理組薪水高於文組的確是目前的狀況 整體來說 私大的理組薪水的確高於國立大學文組這也是事實 這就是現況 沒有什麼好討論的 應該是說各領域都有高薪 但是文組的高薪門檻真的高很多 回到原PO 當年能考上頂大的 多少都期許自己未來能有不錯的職涯 在結果不如意的狀況之下 本來就會有抱怨這也是正常的 ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2019-07-08T01:10
先不論文理之爭 原文提到的「高薪」被酸、辛苦背鍋、 或是職場其他不合理待遇等等 跟文組還是理組有啥關係? 管哪個組 只要沒有背景出社會工作 誰不是在這環境中捅人跟被捅 或是等待捅人跟等待被捅 或者更熱觀的說 會遇到有人鬥有人酸代表你還是個咖 跟你對弈的對手從以前的免洗餐具 升級到現在的主管級 該想的是如何 ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2019-07-07T23:31
※ 引述《crn44969 (日光作用)》之銘言: : 過一個晚上,沒想到有些炮火還滿猛烈的,不管是鄉民也好酸民也罷!謝謝指教!不再回 : 覆鄉民們了! : 另外我因為害怕被職場淘汰,一直有在進修,考取職場所需證照喔!謝謝大家關愛… : 其實不少人,私下訊息給我,互相勉勵,不過可能板上的風氣,不敢浮上水面。 ...