Rebounding from a Round 1 Rejection - 工管

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2011-11-03T22:33

Table of Contents

I applied to 3 schools in Round 1 and I didnˆt get into any of them. Now I
donˆt know what to do. I donˆt even know why I got rejected. Should I apply
for more schools in Round 2, or is that just a waste of my time and money?
Should I wait until next year? Is there a way to find out what went wrong?


Okay, folks – if you didnˆt get in for Round 1, never fear. PE is here,
and, as always, we are at your service.

Hereˆs the real deal: Most people will apply during Round 2, and most people
will get IN during Round 2. Take the case of, well, myself for example. I
applied to ALL my schools for Round 2, and I got in…everywhere. : ) So
yes, for sure you SHOULD apply Round 2 if you have the guts to do it. That
is a no brainer. There is an advantage (as you have likely heard) to
applying Round 1, especially if you are an international student. But that
isnˆt a deal breaker.

Move on, and do it BETTER in Round 2.

Now, how can you find out what went wrong? Tons of ways. Most schools wonˆ
t offer feedback (and if they do it wonˆt happen ˆtil the end of the year
anyway…. which is little help to anyone). So show your app to someone who
DID get in, or to a consultant. For anyone who gets the system, it usually
takes 30 seconds to identify the main problems in an application. So show it
to someone who knows his/her stuff. That is usually the EASY part. The hard
part will be…writing BETTER apps the second time around.

One last note – no matter how great your apps are, if your scores are
NOWHERE near the level that they need to hit for these schools, you MAY be
wasting your time. If you write AMAZING essays, but you are, for example, an
Indian male with a 630 on the GMAT applying to Stanford… well then, the real
problem is your expectations. Reset them if you must; use your experiences
as a great set of data. If youˆre nowhere near where you need to be, then
you may need to shoot lower.

Hope this helps, my friends.
– Jon Frank
Founder Precision Essay

Tags: 工管

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