Relationships in B-school - 工管

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2011-08-08T14:07

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Hey gang, Jon Frank here, your friendly neighborhood MBA consultant and
relationship advisor.
Lets talk about relationships, shall we?
A client just emailed me, asking what bschool will mean for his relationship
(with his girlfriend.) "How hard will it be to do a long distance
First, some disclaimers. When it comes to relationships, I am NO expert (as
my dismal track record will indicate). So all I can describe is what I saw
while at HBS (where I graduated in 2005). And the answer is...when you get to
school gang, you will be busy. BUSY. YOU WILL BE BUSY. Busier than you have
ever been, most likely. The first semester at school is going to be among the
busiest time of your life. This is why so many long distance (or otherwise
tenuous) relationships do not last while one person is at bschool. It is VERY
hard to maintain relationships while you are working til 3AM every night, and
up for study group at 730AM every morning. Right? Right.
Is it possible? Of course it is, and many will do it. But ask any of em--that
sh*t is HARD to pull off.
Now. This is of course not relationship advice. Yall need to do what you need
to do--pop the question, dont pop the question, bring him/her with ya to
school or dont. But whatever you do, dont kid yourself. Once you get to
school gang, all your time will be BOOKED. Solid. At the very least prepare
your significant other for that fact. There is no way around it.
And proceed with caution.

Jon Frank
Founder Precision Essay

Tags: 工管

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