soa refund的問題.... - 金融分析師

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2009-05-04T16:15

Table of Contents

Procedure for CANCELING a CBT Appointment
If a candidate wishes to receive a refund, the request must arrive at
Preliminary Actuarial Exams at the SOA by the following deadlines (see "CBT
Refund Policy" below):

Exam P/1: July 6, 2009
Exam FM/2: August 12, 2009
and the candidate must cancel the appointment with Prometric as described
below. Please note that a candidate may not cancel an appointment after noon
of the second business day prior to the scheduled exam.

To cancel an appointment, candidates must do one of the following by noon of
the second business day before the appointment:

Go online to to cancel your exam appointment; or
Call the test center where you are scheduled to take the exam. Notification
must be left directly with the administrator at the test center. Do NOT leave
a message on the answering machine-this does not constitute official
notification; or
Special needs candidates must call the Special Conditions Coordinator to
reschedule or cancel.
The rescheduling rules and associated fees are determined by and administered
through Prometric. Registration fees and refunds fees mandated by CAS/CIA/SOA
are separate and are detailed in the "Exam Fee" section above and the "CBT
Refund Policy" section below.

A cancellation does not automatically ensure a refund (see next section,
"Refund Policy"). If a candidate fails to arrive for a scheduled appointment
or cancels without giving the required notice as described above, no refund
will be given. Exam fees or registration cannot be transferred from one
session to a future session.

CBT Refund Policy
Exam P/1 Refund Deadline: July 6, 2009
Exam FM/2 Refund Deadline: August 12, 2009
Any candidate who submits an application for an exam by CBT and has scheduled
an appointment at a Prometric test center and decides not to take the
examination may receive a refund from the SOA (less the $100 administrative
fee) only by doing both of the following:

Cancel the appointment by noon of the second business day (includes
Saturdays) before the test appointment. For example, to cancel an examination
for Tuesday, a candidate must notify the test center by noon on the Friday
before the Tuesday appointment.
Cancel your order at (click on the “View My Account” button,
then select “View Order History,” enter your user name and password, and
select the order you wish to cancel; click the cancellation button to submit
your refund request) by the refund deadline listed above. Examination fee
refunds will be issued following the testing administration.
Any candidate who has NOT scheduled an appointment with Prometric may receive
a refund (less the $100 administrative fee) by submitting a refund request
online at“View My Account”) or by e-mail [email protected].
The $100 Administrative fee will also be applied to orders with balance due.

Note to candidates who have already set an appointment with Prometric: Any
refund request submitted later than the refund deadline, or a refund request
submitted without the appointment being cancelled will not be considered.

Exam fees cannot be transferred from one session to a future session. On test
day, if a candidate is in violation of any of the check in policies regarding
valid government issued photo IDs and is not admitted, the exam fee will not
be refunded.

deadline是Exam P/1 Refund Deadline: July 6, 2009
Exam FM/2 Refund Deadline: August 12, 2009 號耶


View Order History裡面按refund呢??



All Comments

William avatar
By William
at 2009-05-07T15:46


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2009-05-03T18:43
在台中的有福了,東海大學最近與金融研訓院合作, 將在台中開授FRM財金風險管理分析師專業研習課程。 本專業研習課程整合金融相關專業知識,協助金融從業人員與在學學生順利通過財金風險管理師 (Financial Risk Manager)測驗,進而取得FRM證照。本課程除了提升學員金融專業素養、建立個人 職涯優勢 ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2009-05-01T11:49
贈送! 下面網址七片光碟中的第一片 從零開始教。連音樂系朋友都學得會.光看第一片就可以精通初會了... 江子翠捷運站1號出口面交。可不出站。 0935-175-353 - ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2009-05-01T11:12
在Reading 30的Practice problems之中的第25題, 有關credit bonds在primary market中的supply增加, 對於spread的影響,解答是說Based on recent research, when the primary market supply inc ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2009-04-30T19:39
我是今年畢業的大學生,目前有考上國立的某財金所 一直想問這個問題很久了,好啦我知道這個問題在一些人心中可能很蠢, 因為本身不是企管、財金科系的學生,所以大學時期去企業實習的資訊真的很少 問一些有去實習過的同學都是有”門路”的 不是爸爸在那個單位工作,不然就是什麼嬸嬸安排的(可是我沒有阿andgt;”a ...

關於Cap volatility的報價!!!

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2009-04-29T16:17
想請問各位版上前輩,除了各大學校有datastream的資料庫 可以抓到價平cap volatility的報價之外,那在網路上那個 網站上可以查到各天期的價平cap volatility的報價呢, 謝謝版上前輩!! - ...