SOA確定延期2020春季筆試 - 考試

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2020-04-03T08:33

Table of Contents


7月14日:FSA Core
7月15日:FSA Advanced
7月16日:All ERM related




Rescheduled SOA Spring Exam Dates Announced

SOA Candidates:

Thank you for your patience and understanding regarding the Spring exam postponement that occurred as a result of the COVID-19 restrictions. We trust you are staying safe and doing everything you can to remain healthy.

We are pleased to announce the Society of Actuaries (SOA) has established new dates for the Spring written-answer exams, originally scheduled for April 24–May 5.

The new dates for the Spring exam administration are as follows (revised exam schedule).

July 14, 2020—FSA Core Exams
July 15, 2020—FSA Advanced Exams
July 16, 2020—ERM Exams in the morning and FSA Specialty Exams in the afternoon
July 17, 2020—LTAM Exam
July 21, 2020—EA1 Exam in the morning and EA2L Exam in the afternoon

The new dates were selected after thorough consideration of the current and anticipated COVID-19 situation and the recent extension of distancing guidelines to avoid nonessential travel or gathering in groups of more than 10 through April of this year. Careful analysis was completed of the volunteer efforts required to administer and grade the Spring exams and dates chosen to limit undue overlap with the volunteer work leading into the Fall exam cycle.

We understand the new dates will not be ideal for everyone. After considering all information available at this time, including feedback from volunteers and the availability of exam centers, this new schedule is our best available option. Our Education volunteers have shown unprecedented support, flexibility and determination in agreeing to this new timetable and have our sincere gratitude.

Grades for the Spring exams will be released on September 18, 2020 and the Fall 2020 exam registration deadline will be September 28, 2020. While the Spring grade release date is, out of necessity, later than what is typical, the schedule will allow candidates adequate time to register for the fall exams after learning of their Spring results.

Please note that exam centers will change for many candidates. Keeping the health and safety of our candidates and proctors in mind and due to the required distancing guidelines, we will be establishing many new exam centers that will help us comply with the needed sanitizing procedures and the requirement to have candidates seated at least six feet apart in groups of 10 or fewer.

As you are aware, the COVID-19 situation remains fluid. The plan outlined above relies on the assumption that circumstances will improve such that operations will normalize over the next few weeks and months allowing candidates to participate at local exam centers by mid-July. Should conditions worsen as we approach the new exam dates, the SOA will decide on any further postponements or cancelations by mid-June. Candidates should also be aware that the SOA is beginning to explore computer-based testing
options for the Fall 2020 exams with written-answer components and will communicate further on that front when possible.

A short registration window will be offered for those who were unable to register for the Spring exams previously. The window will be open from May 19-26. Candidates who registered for the Spring exams and wish to participate on the new dates need do nothing further – your registration will transfer automatically to the new dates.

Candidates who registered for the original dates and do not want to participate on the July dates have until June 1, 2020 to request either a credit voucher on their account or a refund of their registration fee. Voucher/Refund requests and all other related questions should be directed to the SOA Customer Service Team. will be updated shortly with this new information and a Frequently Asked Questions page will be added to the Education General Information area.

Again, thank you for your understanding through this challenging time. We hope you and your families are staying safe and well. Best of luck on your future exams.


Jill Carpenter
Education General Chairperson

Sent from JPTT on my iPhone

Tags: 考試

All Comments

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2020-04-06T17:51
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2020-04-11T02:13


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2020-04-02T17:53
壹、背景 東吳會計系,系排6%~10%,多益905 貳、考試成績 中會 成會 審計 英文 國文 口試 台大 (正取) 75 100 74 56 76 92.67 政大 (備取) 63 50 ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2020-04-02T12:58
後中考試用書 - ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2020-04-02T00:12
【最新資訊】 (1)學士後西醫改制囉! 109年起增設理工類組,讓理工人也可以當醫生。 高雄醫學大學 (2)清華大學2020年將申設學士後醫學系,培養醫學科學家。 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2020-04-01T19:43
代Po :3 ______ 給有志考取會計研究所的學弟妹們,這篇心得包含了我如何選擇補習班及準備期間的讀書 計畫,並且告訴大家我在考研的過程中遇到的困難及如何努力克服,另外每個人準備方式 不同,學弟妹可以擷取覺得有用的部分,希望這篇心得對你/妳們有幫助。(文長慎入) 一、背景及補習班選擇 andlt; ...

高點!109成大、政大、中興會研 前三佔二

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2020-04-01T12:49 ...